Wednesday, January 30, 2019
Racial Controversy Surrounding the Assassination of Martin Luther King,
The Racial Controversy surround the Assassination of Martin Luther King, junior The impact of Martin Luther King, Jr. today is no interrogative revered. He is commonly called the Father of accomplished Rights, and is looked upon as a case icon, in an al nigh presidential-type light. His achievements permit not only begat a subject holiday for his birthday, but also helped lead to the creation of Black bill Month. However, his accomplishments were not so regaled in his own time. In fact, most albumen Americans refused to even recognize any ban or barrier he and his cohorts attempted to change. African-Americans were just simply not respected by most whites in the 1950s and 1960s because they were considered inferior. This resonates with Baldwins opinions of whites refusals to accept that they may have made a mistake, and instead of taking responsibility for that mistake, they dump it on African-Americans and other races. A good example of this dumping of re sponsibilities occurred with the assassination of King. It may be a possibility that the many different conspiracy theories that evolved aft(prenominal) Kings assassination were created in a way to neutralise Caucasians admitting that a single white person shot and killed the head of the Civil Rights Movement. Along with the many different conspiracy theories, there has been an uncovering of faults in the FBIs investigation, some of which include not taking African-Americans eyewitness testimony seriously. Martin Luther King, Jr.s first step into the world of civil rights occurred in Montgomery, Alabama, in December of 1951. After she refused to surrender her bus seat to a white passenger, Rosa Parks was arrested for violating the citys segregation ... ... Luther King, Jr. Conspiracy Theory 4. Infoplease. 8 Apr. 2004 .Frank, Gerold. An American Death The true(p) Story of the Assassination of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. and the Greatest Manhunt of Our Time. Garden City, NY Doubleday, 1972. King makeupPart 2. U.S. Department of Justice. 8 Apr. 2004 .Martin Luther King, Jr.. cyclopedia Britannica. 2004. Encyclopedia Britannica Online. 8 Apr. 2004. Library Gateway, Champaign-Urbana, Illinois. .Ripley, Anthony. Funeral Is Ignored by Whites But Some capital of Georgia Stores Close. New York Times 9 Apr. 1968 1-2. ProQuest Historical Newspapers The New York Times. Library Gateway, Champaign-Urbana, Illinois. 11 Apr. 2004 .
Tuesday, January 29, 2019
Project Management Chapter Notes
These tools provide basic project management features and primarily cost I than $ two hundred per user. Smartened and tablet APS be available for more than less, but the y often have Limited functionality. Low sack tools are often recommended for small projects and single users. Most of these tools allow users to make up Gaunt charts, which cannot be done easily us inning topical productivity software. Midrange tools A step up from low end tools, midrange tools are designed to handle larger rejects, multiple users, and multiple projects.All of these tools can discover Gaunt c harts and network diagrams, and can assist in detailed path analysis, resource allocation, project tracking, and status reporting. Prices range from about $200 to $1,000 per user, or less per MO nth for online tools. Several tools require surplus server software for using workup feat rues. Microsoft Project is still the most widely used project management software in this ca destroy, and t has an enterp rise version, as described earlier and in appurtenance A.Students and deed actors can purchase software like Microsoft Project at reduced prices from sites like www. Journey yet. Com ($139. 95 for Project Professional 2010 in 2012), and anyone can download a trial verse on from Microsofts weathervane site. Many other suppliers also provide trial versions of their product Weighed tools other category of project management software is high end tools, sometimes referred to as enterprise project management software.These tools provide robust c abilities to handle very large projects and dispersed workups, and they have enterprise an d portfolio management functions that summarize and combine individual project information t o provide an enterprise view of all projects.
Figurative Language Essay
Figurative language is employ in poems, strainings, books, short stories, and in everyday language. The use of similes and hyperboles argon satisfactory to affect the t superstar, meaning and estimation that better explain the meaning in stories and songs. Figurative language is meant to appeal to the senses in order to provide by-line and evoke emotion in what is being read or heard. Alicia Keys, This missy Is On Fire, is a great illustration of analogical language. The figurative language in this song provides a respectful and jovial woodland, and it withal demonstrates the theme of the capability of possible drop and societies urge to profane the success of others.The commencement write of the song sets the tone of respect and the theme of potentiality. The first lines of the song use multiple f satisfactorys that read Shes save a girl, and shes on tin. Hotter than a fantasy, longer like a highway. Shes vivacious in a domain, and its on fire, which demonstrate how this girl is just an habitual girl notwithstanding she has been able to accomplish great things in this competitive world that we live in. The following verse also demonstrates how the characterless girl has stood her ground in the competitive world. The verse contains an speech pattern that reads Oh, she got twain feet on the groundOh, she got her head in the clouds and shes not funding down, which states that the normal girl has ideas that may suss outm unrealistic but she go away strive to make these ideas come to life and not just be a daydream. Throughout the song This girl is on fire is repeated, whence it is the chorus. When the chorus is on, the audience just awaits that stiff note, because throughout the song Alicia Keys puts the intimately barbarism on these five words. The repetition of that line demonstrates the strength and potential this ordinary girl has. Also the repetition and vibrato behind the chorus, makes the metaphor that very much more powe rful and believable to the audience it is able to evoke a sense of hope in the audience for this ordinary girl.The fourth verse of the songs reads Looks like a girl, but shes a ignite. So bright, she john burn your eyes. Better come out the other way, which makes a great example of the power this girl has. The combination of a simile and metaphor in the first line portrays that the girl is no ordinary girl. When throng play at her, they probably just see an ordinary girl walking the street that might not be doing anything great with her life. But the metaphor shes a flame contradicts that completely. Metaphors make stronger comparisons between two things than a simile does. Since the metaphor contradicts the simile, then the metaphor overpowers the simile stating that the girl is not an ordinary girl. The following(a) two lines of the verse put more emphasis on the girl being a flame. The metaphor is a representation of how great the girl is. The fire and flame represent ing this girl is something uncommon in the competitive world we live in,because as a whole pile want to be more successful than others. Therefore her flame burn down peoples eyes because they are not prepared for potential within her. The potential behind her is so powerful that people are not able to handle her strength so they better look the other way, or they leave get burned by her offense to succeed in life. It is also be another example of how people reach to undermine others success, but no one will be able to bring down her hope for grandeur.The next lines of the verse are a combination of hyperboles and metaphors. You can try but youll never forget her name. Shes on take in of the world. Hottest of the hottest girls say, these lines demonstrate that she already has achieved some of her goals. The first line is a hyperbole that is also related to to the example stated above about how people try to undermine the success of others, but she will not let people draw ba ck away her success. Therefore even though people might try forget her and the goals she has accomplished, she will not let it happen. Also since she is a fire her success is so great that it would be hard to forget. The metaphor and idiom shes on top of the world also demonstrates the success that she has achieved. The idiom means that she has reached her goal and succeeded which makes it harder for people to forget her. This is clear because if she is on top of the world then she has made a name for herself that has impacted the world and her life immensely. Therefore she will not just be an ordinary girl anymore, and at present she will not be overlooked or forgotten.The next verse reads Everybody stands, as she goes by. Cause they can see the flame thats in her eyes. Watch her when shes lighting up the night, which is able to demonstrate how people do not view her as an ordinary girl anymore. When people see her they stop to take notice of the greatness that she has become. The metaphor of the flame in her eyes demonstrates how she is not done assay to achieve her goals.This girl has far more potential left in her and will accomplish them. The next metaphor demonstrates that people now see the hope and potential she has within her. When she reaches the rest of her potential, she will night up the light. The idiom means that the feeling she will feel when she has reached her to the exuberant potential will be strong enough that people will see how her attitude changes to bright and cheery, and her bright attitude will be able to brighten up the night. The idiom just restates the strength and potential this not so ordinary girl has.The figurative language is full-of-the-moon of praise for this not so ordinary girl. The explanation of how great and powerful this girl is demonstrates the respect the girl deserves. She was able to reach her goals even though people might not have believed in her. Therefore the tone is evident throughout the whole song, and so are the themes. This girl has reached her full potential and people are now taking notice, so now she will be respected and not forgotten. The figurative language in this song was well combined and well orchestrated to show the theme and tone simultaneously.
Monday, January 28, 2019
The Four Contexts of Motivation
Malcolm Knowles research in adult motivational erudition produced quatern distinct contexts Practical, Personal, Experiential, and Idealistic. The Practical context is motivated by a civilise desired benefit result received from the learning such as a specific employment position, for financial wisdom and gain, or to kick in the learning towards greater competency and dominance in making emotional state decisions in situations anywhere from family to work, or even building that dream mark that may constitute previously thought to be unattainable.The Personal context involves motivation directed by self fulfillment stopping points to overall improve oneself and therein the quality of life. An adult student may for example need to learn in this context to increase self worth. Experiential learning differs from the other contexts in that one draws from real-life and past experiences motivated by a desire for renewal by consolidating with more current and forward ideas with t he goal of improving and refreshing their experience.The final Idealistic context motivation attracts those who incisively desire to continuously learn for the sake of the ongoing discovery of noesis and new ideas throughout their lifespan. Learning wine tasting may be a venture for this type of learner. My learning motivation is Experiential. Professionally I have experient a long career in the human race Resources field and held BA degree positions despite the fact that I did not have one. I do have my PHR but have wise to(p) mostly in a hands-on context. I have experient both successful and unsuccessful situations during my career.I started my college education years ago and have procrastinated about returning for many years. I finally came to the realization that I need that degree and everything it offers in order to become more commensurate and confident in my business decisions. The unsuccessful situations I have experienced were due to my lack of a solid educational b ackground. When I lacked the educational background to perform some of the tasks I was assigned I became panicked, punctuate and found it necessary to be reactive.My motto during those times became fake it until you extend to it . That attitude eventually caught up with me and forced me to face what I was missing. It took my losing a couple of positions to overcome the denial I was in. I know that I need this degree to enhance my performance and definitely for organizational development. I am know on a serious mission to fatten this goal and believe attending Ashford University will give me the competency, knowledge and confidence I need to be successful resulting in a often happier and less stressful lifestyle.
System Analysis and Design Life Cycle Essay
There are nine parts to the dodging synopsis and program life cycle. The first three stages are closely congregation information. The first part of the cycle is initiation. This is when someone identifies a need or an opportunity. The second part of the cycle is the system concept development, which defines the scope or the boundary of the concepts. Next is the patternning stage. During this stage the project management plan and other planning documentation is developed. This will be the basis for getting the resources needed to achieve a solution. The next three stages are about the actual design. The fourth stage is the requirements analysis. This is where the functional requirements document is created in which substance abuser needs are analyzed and user requirements are developed. The fifth stage, which is self-explanatory, is the design stage. This is where the systems design documents are created from the detailed requirements, focusing on how to deliver the requisite functionality.The sixth stage is the development stage. This is the part where the design is transformed into a complete information system. The final three stages are where everything comes together. During the integration and scrutiny stage the developed system are tested to see if they exercise as designed. Stage eight is implementation. This includes the implementation preparation and the implementation of the system into a production environment and the solution to any of the problems found in the integration and testing stage. Everything being discovered has a system in place. Following the steps above, with a little tweaking toward our goal, gives us a template to develop a successful database. When I type Resolution analysis into the search bar, I get heading such as prerequisites synopsis Software To Track All Requirements, Getting It Right Business Requirement Analysis Tools, Exploring Alternatives During Requirements Analysis, and Sociotechnical Requirem ents Analysis for Clinical Systems.
Sunday, January 27, 2019
Case 33 †the Casino Industry in 2011
Case 33 The Casino Industry in 2011 Brant Davis Problem Summary The Las Vegas and Atlantic City locations micturate lost revenues in recent years. In extension to the economic slowdown, these gambling locations argon also facing new competitors in the market that are providing attractive choices to the customers. though there are round external forces beyond their control, it seems that attractiveness and accessibility are very alpha concenter areas for these cities. Analysis Using the SWOT analysis, we hind end get a broad picture of the Las Vegas and Atlantic City locations.Some of the strengths of these two cities are the anatomy of entertainment they prolong, the accommodations available, the atmosphere delivered, and providing a benchmark of quality service anticipate by the customers. Weaknesses of Las Vegas and Atlantic City are that they stop be firmly affected by changes in the sparing and the rising numbers of competitors. As the number of competitors rise, Las Vegas and Atlantic City have lost more(prenominal) or less of their affair to places that are simply closer to the customers home.This has opened up most opportunities for these casino giants to coerce their locations more attractive and accessible to the customers and steal back some of the lost subscriber line. One of the largest threats to Las Vegas and Atlantic City locations is that it is getting much easier for the customers to guess without traveling far. In fact, now the customers have the ability to gamble online aright from their homes. Alternatives There are several courses of action these cities can take to grow. The premiere would be to make it even easier to get to their locations.There were times in the gone when Las Vegas and Atlantic City used to basically pick the customer up and bring them into town. If it was easier for the customers to reach them, they might take back some of the business lost to more local casinos. The downside to that of course is t he cost of travel would hence be transferred to the casino cities. The real gamble here is that there are always state scarcely looking for a free vacation, and just bringing them into town doesnt guarantee that they will spend a lot while staying there.Another alternative is that Las Vegas and Atlantic City could both focusing their efforts on the Legislation that has been keeping gambling from being legal online. Though this would require a lot of employed lobbyists, lawyers, and Politians to side with them. The con to that platform of action would that it would be hard to corner the online market so former(a) in the game. Finally, Las Vegas and Atlantic City could focus on what it can offer to the customers that the other locations dont. RecommendationsThough gambling is such an important part of their revenue, they should focus even more on bringing the customer in for the experiences that cant be found anywhere else. This would require even more advertisements that give em phasis to the features of the city, and not just the slot machines. Though the ex post facto rebranding of Las Vegas as Sin City seemed like the honest move, they need to make it the place for anyone to come and enjoy. Because Atlantic City has so many people within driving distance, they should focus more on picking families up and bringing them in as well.Often a family will travel on only one major vacation per year. Why not have that location be a city that just happens to have gambling. Additionally, MGM Mirage should be the poster casino for revenue. Las Vegas and Atlantic City have to get advance away from the focus of gambling and make themselves the entertainment capitals of the east and air jacket coasts. They need to advertise their cities as the places for people to escape and experience something that cant be seen at home.They also need to lure in people with discounts and free complimentary benefits so that when the customers arrive, they can justify pass bills on the entertainment. Finally, they need to have patience while staying aggressive. The economy is bound to improve, but they cant just throw money into new buildings that people wont travel to. They should slow some of the growth for the next few years and focus on advertise what they have to offer. Customers shouldnt have to learn about all the majuscule satiate by arriving there, they should go there because of all the great stuff they have already heard about.
Saturday, January 26, 2019
Abstract of Investment Analysis
Investment Analysis is a classical application in Long-Range Planning. It deals with the investigation of uncertainties, the evaluation of alternatives, the answer to What-if questions. The study of how an investiture funds is promising to perform and how suitable it is for a given investor. Investment analytic thinking is distinguish to any sound portfolio-management strategy. Investors not comfortable doing their own investment analysis can seek professional advice from a financial advisor. An analysis of ult investment decisions. An investment analysis is a look back at previous investment decisions and the thought process of making the investment decision. headstone factors should include entry price, expected time horizon, and reasons for making the decision at the time. For example, in conducting an investment analysis of a mutual fund, the investor would look at factors such as how the fund has performed compared to its benchmark. The investor could also compare performed to similar funds, its set down ratio, management stability, sector weighting, style and asset allocation. Investment goals should always be considered when analyzing an investment one size does not always fit all, and highest returns no matter of risk are not always the goal.For any beginner investor, investment analysis is essential. Looking back at past decisions and analyzing the mistakes and successes will inspection and repair fine-tune strategies. Many investors dont even document why they made an investment let alone analyze why they were wrong or right. You could solve a proper decision, extraordinary events could lose you money, and if you didnt analyze it, you would shy away(p) from making the same decision. Finally to conclude I made bar for interpretation and better solution, which may helps the company performance.
Thursday, January 24, 2019
Kowloon Motor Bus Co. Analysis
The Kowloon Motor Bus Co. (1933) Ltd. (KMB) is the largest public quite a little troupe in Hong Kong. KMB carries over 2. 8 million riders per day and operates some 4,000 good deales on 400 bus routes cover and across Kowloon, the New Territories and Hong Kong Island. KMB is the only local bus company to hold both ISO 90012000 and ISO 14001 certification and has earned the character of being one of the few public bus companies in the homo to operate profitably without a government subsidy.Innovation The Way Forward. As a leader in public bus operations, KMB pioneered the development of super-low-floor easy get to buses in 1996 to impart comfortable access for people in need. To keep up the companys service network without increasing the number of buses on the road, and to offer passengers the public convenience of point-to-point travel, KMB operates 61 Octopus Bus-Bus Interchange fare discount packages comprising about 250 bus routes. Cost advantage To streamline operations and track costs, the company uses a computerised Bus Maintenance Management administration and an electronic Traffic trading operations Management System.These in-house innovations have won acclaim from the Hong Kong Computer Society. Brand the true Outstanding guest Communications KMB has developed web-based and face to face conference channels to complement the companys widely used award winning Customer Service Hotline. The 24-hour KMB Customer Service Hotline uses geographic information technology in the form of a digital map Passenger Enquiry (PEQ) System to uphold its pledge of first contact resolution for customer enquiries.The administration is equipped with 3-D images of over 100,000 landmarks to provide prompt and personalized bus route information. Since its launch, the digital map has won wide acclaim in local, regional and international awards for technology innovation, and the KMB Customer Service Hotline was recently named as the best contact centre of its clas s in the world. KMB, the winner of the CILT A ward 2007 Passenger Transport Excellence organised a stock Visit and Presentation Session to share their environmental protection work with CILTHK members on 29th March 2008.At the event, KMB was presented with the logo of CILT Award 2007 for use throughout the year to strengthen their reputation as well as a corporate image for their quality service provided to the community. Competitors Taxi work We cite that in the past 10 years or so, rail, franchised and non-franchised bus and PLB services have all been extended and improved. Against this background cabriolet services (the vehicle, passenger facilities and the drivers service and driving skills) have changed little. The earlier private-enterprise(a) advantage taxis had as convenient, air-conditioned services has been substantially eroded.Furthermore, the fare is no longer competitive on longer journeys, leading to fierce competition between taxi drivers through discounted ser vices. A better operating environment for taxis, thereby allowing them to provide better service to passengers in accordance with the policy objective of providing a personalized, point to point, public transport service. The flexibility and personal service provided by taxis make them ideal for this purpose, provided a suitable vehicle can be found. Once introduced, subsidies may be made available to facilitate those in wheelchairs using the service.
Tuesday, January 22, 2019
Building Community within Organizations
It is already tending(p) that the unmatched constant thing in life that nobody washbowl law of closure is adjustment. This proven fact is applicable much more in the reality of running a business constitution. In order for the company to filter and compete in the industry it is involved in, there is the necessity for it to instill, from era to time, alteration in company policies, in the framework of its organization and close to in all of the aspect of its unhurt structure.When situation desire this happens, the dislodges in the policies of the company &8212 be it retrenchment or simple adaptation of impertinent operational procedures or in time technology the most touched by this change is the frontline of the operation. These large number are those who be dour to the rank-and-file officers and staff instalments of the firm. Moreover, if the change in indemnity is a major cardinal that affects the whole member of the organization, reasoned skills and knowledg e is a necessary tool so that alwaysyone can lot up with it.The question that belowlies this statement is What are the legal actions that the employees and draws similar should do so to counteract the negative side effects of the change and also to parry the blows to their soulfulnessal and organizations well- universe. Members of the organization would for sure experience the change while it takes place and this call for an intelligent and effective style of attractorship and conference on the part of the management.From the vantage order of the employee who is bear upon through loss or change in the policy of the company, he should have coping machine to exclude the negative conflict of the change. And from the vantage point of the management, correct drawing cardship is needed so as non to alienate the workforce and get to the changes have a sensitive impact in them. Ways of Coping from the Vantage Point of Employee Since it is undeniable that a company or an organization get out apply changes in its company policies mainly to keep abreast with the stiff competition in the market, every employee of any firm should have a coping mechanism in the light of this.It is them best to follow the advice of the team of Sparks, Baret and Lehndorff (2000) who express in order to bring out the best in anything or everybody, one must know more than the work required of him. Using this advice to prevent any catastrophic effect of any change incident in an organization, the employee result have something to fall gage on to if ever the alternation in the company policy go out deem his position and role in the organization is no longer needed.To go more deeply in this very effective mechanism of averting and coping with the changes happening in a company, the employee, if he knows more than the work he is performing for the company, lead have a place to go to if ever his position will be deemed no longer needed by the firm. A good example of this is when an order delivery boy knows how to cook or social occasion in the kitchen of the restaurant he is workings for. Besides knowing how to grind a delivery van this employee may also participate in the kitchen in preparing food for example during the lull moments when there is no delivery.If ever the times comes when the company will phase out its delivery swear out and this means the driver will no longer be in need by the company, that employee, because of his experience in working in the kitchen, can be absorbed by the kitchen department so as to lessen the impact of the change in the policy of the firm. Thus saying, this means that an employee should make it to himself to know more about the company that he works in. By knowing different kinds of work in a particular organization, the enigma of being absorbed by different department will be not a hassle or a bother.This also avert the point where in the employee can lose his melodic line and part with the organizatio n. Furthermore, if the employee knows many another(prenominal) things or have various experiences in various kinds of work, the event of losing an organization or his job will, in a way, not a problem for him. As they say a man of jack of all trades is get out than being just a master of one. In an event that an employee is retrenched because of organisational policy, he will not have any trouble finding another work even if the wise job is not colligate to the previous job that he use to perform.Using the set example above, a driver of a delivery van for example may be retrenched for any possible organisational or policy change happening in his company. But since he knows also how to be a machinist or a helper in the company he used to work with, he may find another job in another firm as a mechanic or even just a helper in the kitchen. Giving this example, it is thus cannot be over emphasized the need for an employee to know more than what he does in his particular organizat ion.Even though this knowledge regarding another line of work is not related to his present job, the use of this may come in the proximo considering that his tenure in the company is not permanent or ever-changing according to the policies of the management. Transition from Job Loss Wilson (2004) said that when someone is face by a major loss like being laid-off or terminated, that soulfulness will experience an expected series of duration of emotions known as Kubler-Ross stages.These grieving emotions will start at denial, bargaining, anger, discouragement and finally, acceptance. A person who suffered a job loss does not commonly experience these emotions in this sequence. They may come in different variation, barely perceptiveness the sequence of this emotional stage can help the person bounce back from the traumatic experience of losing his job. Nevertheless, this is not just the whole picture of the situation that the person must know to pull himself back from a major loss.It is also important to know the four truths as Wilson (2004) enumerated them Most people who experience career losses feel like you do There will be predicable stages in your career transformation As an adult, you will fall out to grow and change There authentically is a best way to approach finding a new job Wilson (2004) added that by exploring these four truth about a job loss will help create for a person a more realistic expectation.And by doing so, there is likely that the person will slide in the paralyzing isolation, frustration, or depression which usually comes after a major set back like a job loss. Doing and understanding these four truths then will be a capital for that person to create a tremendous opportunity in finding a new job or a career. Leadership During the time of change in company policy and transition from the old process of working to the new one, leaders act as catalysts of change. They are necessary member of the organization since they shoul der the strength of the company in general.Leaders have the dexterity to set and influence the point of view and opinions of their subordinates. As Philips & Schmidt (2004) said it is therefore not at all surprising that for a long time every organization and corporation are spending large(p) amount of money just to enhance their workers skills on leadership. In this light, in an event when a company has set it organizational organization it is therefore important that there is a leader, characterized as having transformational skills, to make these changes.This quality of leadership is necessary if not crucial for the company itself since the skills of these people have the capacity to help motivate the working spirit of the employees affected by the change. Moreover, transformational leaders help the organization shift from the old system to the new system when a major change takes place. One of the advantages of having a transformational leader when a change takes place in an organization is the given sensitivity he already has for those who either will be affected by the change or to those who will lose their jobs.Considering that this kind of leader no longer has control over the retrenched workers or employees, his quality of being aware to the effects of the changes will greatly help those who are left hand behind to continue their work. Awareness about the effects what happened to the organization will be the ground on which this leader will lead his subordinates to continue being motivated doing their jobs. The good thing about this kind of leader is that he is aware that many, if not most, of the employees will surely lose their fanaticism to work for the company.Knowing this, the leader then can initiate open communication with his subordinates about what is the real goal of the change and therefore erase the doubts in the mind of the employees that the organization is not really there for them. What is even more effective about this kind of leader is that he knows that he is there to stand before his employees and workers as somebody to be emulated upon. Whatever his actions and military capability towards change will surely be the general sentiments of those who fall under him.In this light, changes may take place inside the organization yet the transformational leader will always lessen their impact on the working ethics and habits and also motivation of the workers. References Philips, J. and Schmidt, L. , (2004). The Leadership Scorecard. Elsevier Butterworth-Heinemann, UK. Sparks, L. , Baret, C. & Lehmdorff, S. (2000) Flexible Working in Food Retailing A Comparison Between France, Germany, Great Britain and Japan. capital of the United Kingdom Routledge. Wilson, D. G. (2004). Back in Control How to Stay Sane, Productive, and Inspired in Your. animate Publications, US
Monday, January 21, 2019
Re likes to keep his players fit Essay
My principal(prenominal) sources of data are the Internet and books. The website I am mainly utilise is http//www. ais. org. au/nutrition/FuelLeague. htm I digit chosen this website because it give me a lot of in set upion of diet and nutrition for rugby players, which is what my nominate is on. I take on as well as been given a lot of my information from Mr Fitzpatrick or so what he would like in the introduction as he is my drug user and I am doing the presentation for him. in like manner so I reach used diets from official rugby players websites to add to my presentation. institution explained.I destine the data is logical because it is an official website and is updated regularly. The nutrition plans on it are also used by professional players as it states on the website. Some of the vanquish rugby players in the world also use the nutrition plans, such as Keith wood and others. Also the information I collect from Mr Fitzpatrick is valid because he is my user and knows what he wants in the PowerPoint presentation. Also to stop my user from getting on slides that he doesnt want to be on I view as switched off slide transition. Data manipulation explained.During the presentation I intend to coming into court rugby players how they set up improve their fittingness and diet on a screen. I intend to flick amidst slides with the click of a mouse exactly if I were press release to permit my end user perform the slide show I would arrest hyperlink slides. So it is easier to navigate around the slides. This would also make the slide show easier to work out for the presenter of the show. Alternative forms of out entrap considered I have discussed that I could also put the presentation to a file or a disk to give to the rugby players and they watch it by themselves on their home computer.Also I could have printed it out into handout form and handed wholeness each to all of the players. The presentation could be put on the school- dual-lane n etwork and all the players have to compute it up by themselves in their own time and read it. Appropriate choices made and reassert I have chosen the correct application package because it provide be better for the presentation and it will be easier than you using each other applications. That is was I think anyway. I also think it is the chastise package because it will also be easy for the teachers to work.The project could non be printed out in hand out form because the musical theme may be lost of close tothing may be spilled on them thus making it impossible for the receiver to use it. If it is put on the shared network the players would have to go look it up in their loose time and most players would not use their spare time to look at it. If it is put on a disk for the players besides look at it at home some of the players may not have a home computer at that linefore making it impossible for them too look st the presentation. Appropriate back up explainedI am g oing to keep the extra copies of my project on my school server. And if I nevertheless onto the school server that straightaway backs it up so I cant loose it. The user could make several copies of the presentation some on floppy disk and some on disk and they could be kept in a safe place so if booster cable copy is lost they have always got a spare one to refer to. Appropriate security explained For security I could password nurse my work so I and the teacher who I am doing the project for can only access it. It is also saved on a secure network so none of my colleagues can access the project.Also the network is backed up every night and that means that at that place will always be to copies of my project. Initial designs adequate and justified I handed my user all slides in a handout format and asked him to evaluate them all and write down any changes he wanted. He made several changes to my slides and I acted upon all these and rectify them all, as he wanted them. User qu estion recorded and acted on I asked umpteen questions in my interview with my user and acted upon all his answers in the correct manner.The interview was done on a piece of paper with questions on and I had my user fit in the blank spaces with his answers. The interview is added on a piece of paper. Evidence of user feedback on designs On sheets given up last(a) design described in detail All the way by dint of and through the presentation I used the font verdana and all the way through I have also used the equal colour accent so some of them dont look odd compared to the placidity of them. But there is one exception to that which is the enterprise slide where it is a picture of Hymers playing in a game of rugby.Also on every slide there is a hyperlink to another page and there is also a picture on ever slide during the presentation. excrete down system diagram On paper attached undecomposed and effective try plan devised On paper attached Validation checks tested To sto p my user from going on slides that he doesnt want to be on by clicking in the wrong place on the slide I have switched off slide transition, this stops the user from clicking on the background and it taking him to a slide where he doesnt want to be. Annotated hardcopy of implementation On paper attached Annotated hardcopy of test plan.On paper attached Have all errors been corrected after(prenominal) carrying out my test plan fully and effectively I have found that I have no errors that need to be corrected but if any do occur later on I will write then on at the end. Original objectives fully evaluated 1. He asked for movies such as fitness techniques such as star jumps and press-ups, which I added several of. 2. Every 8-10 slides will have pictures on but I put a picture on every slide. 3. He also asked me to research and suggest fitness plans and healthy eating plans so I added 3 healthy eating plans.4. I also added colored designs, which my user added I did this by using a blue and white-hot background on every slide. 5. I also used a picture of the Hymers first team playing rugby on the opening page. Written evidence of user acceptance On paper attached Comments critical and relevant Further enhancements for the future I could add more slides to the presentation and maybe change the colour of some slides as the same colour on every slide may look a bit boring. I could also use some different pictures as some of them are a bit blared on some of the slides.
Friday, January 18, 2019
Personal Experience that Changed my Life Essay
America may be experiencing the worst financial crisis this year. hoi polloi may worry about losing jobs and missing opportunities for bigger earnings. But at age eighteen and fresh from high school graduation, I am all hopes and all set to start the best years of my life. right a few years back, I was enjoying the comforts of home in Wooster, Ohio, simply unconcerned about my future. My parents were worried about my lagging interests so they decided to send me to a boarding school in Ashtabula called thousand River honorary society.The school was noted for its effective programs built especially for struggling students. My parents conclusiveness was not in vain. I blended so easily in my boarding school and felt at home. I was smoothly qualified to realign my perspectives and developed the motivation to accomplish many things. larger-than-life River Academy provided just the right push that I needed. While in the honorary society I developed information processing formation skills and vast k instanterledge in computer networking. Soon an unexpected opportunity came that changed my destiny.Read more An Experience That Changed My intentThe director of Grand River Academy offered me a workload in nonpareil of the special projects for community extension. The project aimed to develop a computer system for the school specifically for the programs involving the schools beneficiary communities. I was tapped to be part of the team to develop the system. For the first time I was depended on and trusted that I could make a difference for the academy. It was an experience that changed me and do my vision of the future clearer and attainable.The high school project experience was evidentiary to earn me a $6,000 scholarship and college admission into one of the best universities in the country Ashland University in Ohio. It is a dream-come-true for me. I give special gratitude to the Grand River Academy community for my ample preparations and being part of my achievements. Participating in the project team earned me this scholarship privilege and the key to my college education. No amount of financial crisis or global recessions can stop me now because I am determined to succeed.
Thursday, January 17, 2019
Reference Models Based on Kimono de Ginza
Kimono de Ginza, or strikeing kimono in Ginza, is a periodic event held on the second Saturday of every month. These enthusiasts go issue meet erst man a month on the Ginza, an exclusive shopping district in Tokyo, to go for a walk in the vicinity in their kimonos. The concussion is then concluded by a joint evening re ago in a Japanese pub. The main aim of this bodily function is to im character reference young Japanese to tap on this opportunity to beguilek advice from their elders on how to play out a kimono and the appropriate kimonos for different occasions.Parallels The kimono is said to be dying, to be utterly too cumbersome for modern life, to be as elegantly anachronistic as the conservative old ladies or geisha who wear it, (Ameri dismiss anthropologist Liza Dalbyin in Kimono fashioning culture). Similarly, the interest for tralatitious goods and services in Singapore, such as woven rattan furniture, has died down in sweet-fashioned years. A sharp decline in de mand for both casefuls has upright implications for related businesses. Quoted from Mr Shigenobu Ono, owner of Nagoya black dyeing shop for formal kimonos, the indecision is how to get the younger apprentices in our guild up to scratch.He notes that even his own son decided to forsake the trade for a career in Western fashion. However, the success of Japanese culture can be seen through the comeback of kimono through its reinvention by the indigenous people. antonym to the strict dress codes imposed at formal gatherings and on merry occasions, many relish the non-ceremonial style of kimono or the idea of being equal to wear kimono more casually. Young Japanese also tactile sensation to kimono as an expression of fashion statement with the emergence of colourful socks and decorative collars.Explaining its successes utilise learning models The tipping point by Malcolm Gladwell The influence of Kimono de Ginza can be explained by Gladwell. Gladwell identifies three key factors that determine whether a particular trend will tip into wide-scale popularity. These are namely the jurisprudence of the Few, the Stickiness Factor and the federal agency of Context. I. Law of the Few Connectors MavensSalesmenWider community Connectors are individuals with extensive social networks. Acting as social glue, they help to spread message, engender connections and bring the world together.Kimono de Ginza relies on these people to soak up interested public and expand its influence. For example, a like gathering known as Kimono de Vancouver has been started for those who live in the West and who halt interest in kimonos. Mavens act as data banks as they beloved to apportion information with other consumers by helping them make sensible decisions. They are re breaked by the older participants of Kimono de Ginza who are eager to share their knowledge on kimonos.Salesmen refer to charismatic people who can efficaciously persuade others to make certain buying decisions . The Japanese kimono group has no lack of such aficionados who fervently profess their love for kimonos through non-homogeneous means. II. The Stickiness Factor This is specify as a special feature that makes the phenomenon memorable by creating an impact and compelling people to act. The unconventional appeal of Kimono de Ginza relies on its flexibility to allow for individualism to shine through. It revives and reinvents a tradition while rejecting the undesirable restrictions.Furthermore, doing away with memberships allow for notional experimentation of identities beyond periodic responsibilities. III. The Power of Context The growing global movement to retain topical anaesthetic traditions amidst the perceived threat of modernisation provides an i turn backdrop for Kimono de Ginza to prosper. It works by leveraging on the balance between a wishful suffer for traditional experiences and a desire to shake off stifling restrictions. The wishful psychology will be explained in the later parts of the case study analysis. IN WHERE) Moreover, Kimono de Ginza was established in accordance with the Magic Power of One Hundred and Fifty, in which groups of less than 150 members ordinarily display a level of intimacy, interdependency, and efficiency that begins to dissipate markedly as soon as the groups size increases over 150. The activity of wearing kimonos takes place within a well-defined group mise en scene that promises a certain sense of protection and stability. The gatherings represent a unique(predicate) form of community that is characterized by being bound to a defined place and an interest in a particular activity and, moreover, posit face-to-face interaction.Ideas for proposal * Encourage business owners to form a broken group within themselves to launch a retro campaign Nostalgia marketing (Martin Lindstrom) Studies have identified some nostalgic cues that can be apply and how images and sounds from the past can create favourable attit udes about products. (LIKE WHAT) As we age, our nostalgic yearnings grow, making us more receptive to advertisers and marketers use of what researchers call a longing for positive memories from the past. This desire for nostalgia is further intensified by societys present circumstance of receding predictability and opportunity.As Martin Lindstrom mentioned, In the face of insecurity or uncertainty about the future, we want nothing more than to revert to a more stable date It is much more comforting to count on of times when we had simpler lives rather than pondering the issues we are facing today. That is why in times of recession we notice older retro products being brought back. The master(a) force driving Kimono De Ginza is the desires of the population to connect with its traditions and relive their childhood past when they were first of all introduced to kimonos.Emotionally, we associate these products of the past with authenticity, history, and a better, simpler time. Thi s explains why Kimono de Ginza was able to attract a significant following and remain sustained for thirteen years. Our nostalgia transcends time as long as each new generation continues to be exposed to Japanese culture in their childhood and develop ruttish connections that will last them through adulthood. However, Kimono de Ginza is careful not to play up the past too much for Kimono to be seen as dusty, outdated or out of style.Like a lot of brands and companies, it has developed inventive strategies for toeing this delicate line, through its infusion of modern elements and eradication of demanding rules and restrictions. Ideas for proposal * (Nostalgic marketing) Broadcast advertisements from the olden days, oldies and catch slogans of that time * Introduce traditional goods to children from a young age so that they will grow up to associate these goods with a simpler and more authentic times Such would be the case of our association with monopoly games and beyblades Kolbs Experimental Learning CycleKolb proposes a four stage learning cycle. I. Concrete Experience A new experience of situation or a reinterpretation of existing experience is encountered when participants is first exposed to Kimono de Ginza. II. Reflective Observation Participants new to the innovative and unconventional concepts of Kimono de Ginza see to it inconsistencies between past experience and understanding. This engages them in meaningful reflections. III. Abstract conceptualization Reflection gives rise to a new idea, or a alteration of an existing abstract concept.Participants deliberate over their identity and what they want their kimonos to look like prior the monthly event. There is a great deal of internal tussle within the individual before they figure out their own interpretations of kimonos. IV. Active Experimentation The learner applies them to the world around them to see what results. Creativity represents a key feature of Kimono de Ginza as participants dress up in unique costumes infused with modern features or personal idiosyncrasies and display to the public.They fit feedbacks from interactions within the club, as well as through the publics reactions as they walk down the streets. Spiral Learning Model though unintentional, Kimono de Ginza has un advisedly tapped on the spiral learning model to promote Kimono culture. From a young age, almost all Japanese children would have been introduced to Kimonos as part of the Japanese culture. The child may also begin his first conscious exposure of kimono through Shichi-Go-San (seven-five-three) Festival.At the age of 20, young people wear furisode or haori and hakama to celebrate their passage into adulthood. As such, an average Japanese gains fourfold exposures to Kimonos throughout his growing years. Kimono de Ginza serves as a culmination point in which an individual identifies him egotism with a community and expresses his own interpretations of kimono in a creative manner. Ideas for pro posal * Spiral learning model for Singapores traditions in formal education, which culminates into business management at polytechnic level. * Encourages autonomy and self expression to add value to traditional products
Wednesday, January 16, 2019
Hospitality and Tourism Management Essay
The K-12 weapons platform covers kindergarten and 12 long time of elemental bringing up ( six geezerhood of capital formulation , iv years of junior laid- book binding tame coach to show sufficient prison term for mastery of concepts and skills, develop womb-to-tomb learners, and prep ar potassium alums for ordinal raising , middle-level skills breeding, affair ,and entrepreneurship. the enhanced primary rearing go of 2013 , or republic act no. 105333, was sign- run-in(a) on whitethorn 15, 2013.K-12 is a helpful ray that dejection strengthen early childishness learning, make the curriculum germane(predicate) to learners , ensuring integ consecrated and seamless discipline ,building proficiency through language , gearing up for future and most of on the whole nurturing the holistic wholey develop Philippine. Every graduate exit be equipped with information, media and engine room skills, encyclopaedism and innovation skills, effective communicati on skills and life career skills. broadcast effectuation in public inculcates is being d adept in phases jump SY2012-2013. point 1 entrants in SY2012-2013 are canonic batch to to the full on a lower floorgo the program, and flowing 1st year third-year luxuriously tutor learners (or Grade 7) are the first to undergo the enhanced secondary breeding program. To facilitate the renewing from the pull rounding 10-year elementary training to 12 years, DepEd is in akin manner implementing the SHS AND SHS fashion modeling. .Each scholar in Senior heights School dissolve subscribe to among threesome spread overs Academic technological-Vocational-Livelihood and Sports and Arts.The Academic track includes three strands Business, Accountancy, Management (BAM) Humanities, program line, social recognitions (HESS) and Science, Technology, Engineering, mathematics (STEM). Students undergo immersion, which may include earn-while-you-learn opportunities, to provide the m relevant exposure and factual experience in their chosen track. The enhanced curriculum for scotch 1 and horizontal surface 7 ( 1st Year Junior spirited School ) was turn knocked stunned(p) SY 2012-2013 , and im wear be progressively introduced in differentwise grade levels in succeeding inform years.Grade 11 bequeath be introduced in SY 2016-2017 AND GRADE 12 IN SY 2017-2018. The first batch of superior shallow bookmans to go through K to 12 depart graduate in march 2018. DepEd has get toed into an agreement with business organizations, topical anaesthetic and foreign chambers of commerce, and industries to ensure that graduates of K to 12 provide be considered for barter. There depart be a matching of contestncy requirements and patronageards so that 12-year basic development graduates go away direct the necessary skills needed to stick the controlforce and to match the College Readiness Standards for further teaching method and future employment.Ent repreneurship exit to a fault be fostered in the enhanced curriculum ensuring graduates stub act into former(a) opportunities beyond employment. afterwards finishing Grade 10, a student quarter mother credentials of Competency (COC) or a depicted object Certificate Level I (NC I). later on finishing a good-Vocational-Livelihood track in Grade 12, a student may obtain a case Certificate Level II (NC II), provided he/she passes the competency-based assessment of the Technical fosterage and Skills exploitation Authority (TESDA).NC I and NC II improves employability of graduates in field handle Agriculture, Electronics, and Trade. Target Market 12-13 years sexagenarian who supposed to graduate grade 6 this year hardly forget be introduced to k-12 program. Grade 5 and 6 students Youth that belongs in the poor families with potential to be out of the school youth after their high school years. Schools Professors lecturer SY 2011-12 SY 2012-13 SY 2013-14 SY 2014-15 SY 2 015-16 SY 2016-17 SY 2017-18 GR 12 2 YEARS SENIOR GR 11 towering SCHOOL HS IV (15 yo) GR 10 4 YEARS JUNIOR HS IV (14 yo) GR 9 HIGH SCHOOL HS IV (13 yo)OLD CURRICULUM GR 8 HS IV (12 yo) upstart CURRICULUM GR 7 GR 6 (11 yo) GR 6 6 YEARS GR 5 (10 yo) GR 5 ELEMENTARY GR 4 (9 yo) GR 4 GR 3 (8 yo) GR 3 GR 2 (7 yo) OLD CURRICULUM GR 2 GR 1 (6 yo) NEW CURICULUM GR 1 KINDER (5 yo) KINDER synopsis of Case During the period of governance of Spain and the United States, education in the Philippines changed radically, generally modeled on the organization of education in the United States of the time. After gaining independence in 1946, the dodgings were no longer automatically applied in the Philippines, which have since moved in various directions of its own.Filipino children may write down preschool at the ages of three to tetrad, starting from nursery, and kindergarten. At the ages of six to s evening, children enter unsubdivided school for six or seven (on selected schools) years. T his is followed by the high school, for four years. Students may then sit for the College Entrance Examinations (CEE), after which they may enter tertiary schools for two to five years. The Philippine educational frame pursues the skill of excellent undergraduates in the elementary and secondary level. Implementation of UbD is genius of the proposals that undertook in the farming recently.At present, the Department of upbringing pronounces the addition of two to a greater extent years in the basic education of students, which according to them go forth turn a profit not merely the Filipino youth but all the Filipinos in the Philippines. This proposal is part of P-noys Educational Reform broadcast. The administration asserts that with the implementation of much(prenominal) program, the problem of unemployment in the demesne testament be resolved. In as much as employment in the Philippines is concerned, the K12 education in want manner responds to the fact that most c ountries in the world al arrange have the afore express(prenominal) plan in their educational institutions.With this, the standards of these countries go a notch high than what the region has, thus, creating an expansion in the global competency. What can be in reality tell near this plan. The K-12 staple Education Program aims to provide every(prenominal) Filipino child with the education s/he needs to compete in a global context. In May, President Benigno Aquino of the Philippines signed into jurisprudence a basic education curriculum that will realize a mandatory kindergarten year and two additional senior high school years added to what was a 10-year education curriculum to make basic education 12 years.The programmed has been adopted not tho in schools in the Philippines, but as well as in Filipino schools abroad that follow the departments curriculum. Gulf news reports The goal of the new curriculum is to give Filipino students enough time to master skills and conce pts so that they are ready for tertiary education when the time comes. Kindergarten was previously optional, and advocates of the K-12 programme argue that students who went to kindergarten are erupt prepared for primary education than those who did not.In addition, the K-12 programmed provides for the use of the mother vocabulary language as the medium of instruction for students in the basic and take down years to facilitate and expedite learning. This fabulous interactive map of all public schools in the region could be a useful tool in planning a recruitment strategy. It contains data on the schools budget, enrolment statistics, education indicators, number of didactics personnel, furniture, textbooks, classrooms, plus the peeing and power supply of some 45,000 schools nationwide. 10 Point Education scheduleThe move to the K-12 policy comes as part of the 10 Point Education order of business which was set out by the current disposal administration. The K-12 Basic Educ ation Program, universal kindergarten and instruction in mother-tongue languages are but three of the ten points Aquinos administration want to implement in tramp to improve the overall quality of education in Filipino schools. The other seven points include Establish the Madaris Education as a sub-system in the current education system Make every child a reader by Grade 1 Improve apprehension and mathematicsExpand government assistance to occult education Better textbooks have much schools in cooperation with local government units (LGUs) Re-introduce technical and vocational education in public high schools. Australia extends a helping pay Australia has long been a friend to the Philippines donating time, funding and other resources, as tumefy as bunking with the nation to develop and ensure quality. Last month, the area grantedPHP 8. 4 billion (nearly US $193 million) to send for basic education issues and die hard the implementation of the K-12 programme. They have also funded a project to enhance the skills of school officials in managing school processes and turn schools into learner-centred institutions that continually improve and build on its best practices. In return, Australia is surely hoping Filipino schools and students will select Oz as their close of choice for partnerships and study. As ICEF Monitor reported in February, the Philippines is one of the top ten student markets for Australian schools, colleges and universities. Building classrooms and adding teachers As mentioned, one of the ten points on the Education Agenda aims to addresssevere overcrowding in Philippine schools and the shortage of classrooms. In October of death year, the Department of Education signed an agreement with two winning consortia which will undertake the construction of dear to 10,000 classrooms. The departments Public Private Partnership for School stand Project (PSIP) will give schools the physical space they need and provides the private secto r the business opportunity to invest in the design, construction and nutrition of classrooms. Philippine Education Secretary Armin A.Luistro has said he hopes that by doing so, the classrooms would stand as a testament to Filipino capability and efficiency. Progress is easily underway construction of more(prenominal) than 9,000 classrooms began in March of this year. An subjoin in student enrolment which ca utilise the shortage of teachers was due to an increase in kindergarten students a result of the new K-12 curriculum, as well as students who were formerly enrolled in private school transferring to public school because of tuition fee hikes. Student enrolment in 2012/3 stood at 20. 67 million 1. 77 million kindergarten students, 13. 26 million elementary students, and 5.64 million high school students. Increased cogitate on vocational education A final point on the 10 Point Education Agenda calls for a re-introduction of vocational and technical education in high school s, which has been designed to give Filipino students practical skills to gain employment after start a key component in tackling the high youth unemployment rate in the Philippines. Some advocates are calling for the adoption of the German model of apprenticeship. The Manilla Bulletin reported It is hoped that adopting the German model would help address the skills mismatch between Filipino graduates and the jobs available.Ramon del Rosario, chairman of the PBEd, has said without delay is the time to implement the apprenticeship system, because of the start of the K-12 curriculum It is a good time because of the development of the senior high school curriculum and that will have a track towards technical vocational education. In May, the Technical Education and Skills Development Authority (TESDA) announced it had completed the K-12 technical vocational curriculum, and every social function was in orient for the start of the new school year.TESDA Secretary Joel Villanueva said, Technical vocational education and training (TVET) will play a central role in the new education model that prepares students for tertiary education, middle-skills development, employment and entrepreneurship. Courses include self-propelling servicing, horticulture, welding, consumer electronics, dressmaking/tailoring, carpentry, food processing and beauty care. The Philippines as a study polish Like many of its neighboring countries, the Philippines has its eye on be sexual climax a study destination of choice for students from the Asia-Pacific region.In January of this year, the Philippine study-so of in-migration reported that of the 203,753 foreigners in the country, 47,478 are studying in schools and universities across the country (which is 14% higher than the 41,443 foreigners who applied in 2011). The bulk of those (31,000) are under the age of 18 and studying at an elementary or high school or on a short-term (less than 1 year) course. The Bureaus Commissioner Ricardo David Jr said Our country is fast emerging as a new educational hub in the Asia-Pacific region.More and more foreigners are coming here to study and it demonstrates recognition of the improved quality of our educational system. He attributed the influx of foreign students to the quality of teaching and the use of English as the medium of instruction. Some of those students chose the Philippines to study English, and the government is hoping to boost ESL student be by making it easier for them to stay and learn. Last year, ICEF Monitor reported that for world-wide students studying English in Australia, the Philippines had entered the competition as a destination option for the first time in 2011.Backing that up, an article in The PIE News quotes Ruth Tizon, Programmed Director of the Philippines ESL Tour Program, as saying, One thing is clear the Philippines is looking ahead. With a growing population and a bud economy, necessity for quality education is high. Many Filipino pare nts welcome the basic education reforms and are looking introductory to more opportunities for their children in vocational and higher education. KEY ISSUE / GOALS The fact that the Philippines is the last country in the region to adopt a K-12basic educations system because it is not all somewhat the trending basis but checking in accordance to the reality.During the assessment through by the prestigious organization Trends in international mathsematics and Science Study (TIMSS), they conclude that the problem about the present curriculum in squeezing 12 years of basic education into proficient 10 is that students are overloaded with subjects which resulted to poor quality of basic education as reflected in the low achievement scores of Filipino students. International tests results same 2003 TIMSS rank the Philippines 34th out of 38 countries in HS II Math and 43rd out of 46countries in HS II Science for grade 4, the Philippines graded 23rd out of 25 participating countries in both Math and Science.In 2008, even with only the science high schools participating in the Advanced Mathematics category, the Philippines were ranked lowest. This quality of education is reflected in the short preparation of high school graduates for the world of work or entrepreneurship or higher education . It is not the question of teaching force because internationally we can say that the country is equipped of well trained educators receptive enough for the learning needed by the students in our country. In fact, teachers in our country are highly demanded and most preferred to be chartered and work in other country. only it is the matter of the educational system that we have which is designed to teach a 12-year curriculum, til now it is delivered in just 10 years. Though some criticizing it as a way only to realigned as to what is the trending educational system to must have, then why not follow it if it will sustain the development of the educational system of our cou ntry and there is nothing wrong with it. As to the question of the consequences that will be brought by the policy, surely there will be many of those and its a part of the changes.Better because the government exists to uplift the standard of education in the country and not just sitting down to their respective(prenominal) offices and waiting what will happen to the future of the students experiencing the current system. The policy exist with provisions of program to be administered forthe sustainability of it, thus to relate it with economic hindrances it should be another story that is worth to be reflected and should not serve as a hindrance for the development of one system in our country (education).To reach the development wherein the citizens are wanting, admitting the fact that it couldnt be mishap simultaneously is the first step. Goals of k-12 Individualized learning customized to each childs needs. Award winning curriculum that aims childly mind from k to 12 with a rich combination of online interactive and offline hands-on learning High school full-and-part time options to help students find their own path A new kind of powerful, personalized connection with teacher Preferred alternate(a) with rationale in this study I find out that k to 12 will have a big effect in our country and even in our industry.It is a good program that can provide many outcomes and may help our country men to arise. But I also notice that some of whom I asked if k to 12 will be the answer for the plenty to be more countywide and productive in man powering many had answer maybe and no . then I got this thought that It can help but people in our country dont want to open their minds in this changes. People in our country nowadays is always looking forward to fast solutions and money at this state it is because of the arising poverty and the low demand for man power and they are afraid that if they will not drop behind the time there will be no jobs available for t hem.They are afraid that k to 12 will affect every industry in hiring people so as our industry because if we can see jobs in the cordial reception industry is widely allowed than that of the other careers . so I came up with the rationale that we are good enough in the old curriculum. Why did I say this but I did not yet see the effect of it in the students it is because we are also charge uping students to work early , why we will do that if we really want to push them to work early is to decreased the level of education just like the old one.Many parent will be sacrificing much about it, I guess the answer of todays crisis is to help those student to bring their selves up in the maximum time possible. So that they can be as professionals in their early age . There is an urgent need to enhance the quality of basic education in our country as seen in the education outcomes of Filipino students and the comparative disadvantage of the Philippines with gaze to other countries. Th e following data would patronage this explanation At present, the Philippines is the only country in Asia and among the three remaining countries in the world that uses a10-year basic education cycle. According to a presentation made by the South East Asian Ministers of Education Organization (SEAMEO-INNOTECH) on spare Years in Philippine Basic Education (2010), the comparative data on duration of Basic and Pre-University Education in Asia shows that the Philippines allots 10 years not just for the basic education cycle but also for the pre-university education while all the other countries have either 11 or 12 years in their basic education cycle. proceeding scores highlight our students poor performance in national examinations.The subject area Achievement Test (NAT) results for grade 6 in SY 2009-2010 showed only a 69. 21% passing rate while the NAT results for high school is at a low 46. 38%. Moreover, international tests results in 2003 Trends in International Mathematics a nd Science study (TIMSS) show that the Philippines ranked 34th out of 38 countries in HS Math and 43rd out of 46 countries in HS II Science. Moreover, the Philippines ranked the lowest in 2008 even with only the science high schools joining the Advanced Mathematics category. AssumptionsThe K to 12 Program covers Kindergarten and 12 years of basic education (six years of primary education, four years of Junior High School, and two years of Senior High School SHS) to provide sufficient time for mastery of concepts and skills, develop lifelong learners, and prepare graduates for tertiary education, middle-level skills development, employment, and entrepreneurship. -DEPED K 12 can top to Strengthening early childhood education Making curriculum relevant to learners Ensuring integrated and seamless learning Building proficiency through languageNurturing the holistically Filipino Kindergarten and 12 years of basic education is offered for free in public schools. There are additional indi rect costs, but government agencies are collaborating to provide programs that will enable everyone access to quality education, curiously to those with lesser means. Proposals such as the expansion of the Education Service spotting (ESC) scheme under the Government Assistance to Students and Teachers in Private Education (GASTPE) and other cost-sharing arrangements are being developed by DepEd.K to 12 graduates should have higher earning potential as they will be more competent and skilled. As a result of the K to 12 Program, in particular the more specialized education in Senior High School, CHED is exploring the possible action of decreasing the number of years of which will enable them to have more employment opportunities. Certain degree programs in college. K to 12 graduates can obtain national certification from TESDA, After finishing Grade 10, a student can obtain Certificates of Competency (COC) or a issue Certificate Level I (NC I).After finishing a Technical-Vocation al-Livelihood track in Grade 12, a student may obtain a National Certificate Level II (NC II), provided he/she passes the competency-based assessment of the Technical Education and Skills Development Authority (TESDA). NC I and NC II improves employability of graduates in fields like Agriculture, Electronics, and Trade. After going through Kindergarten, the enhanced Elementary and Junior High curriculum, and a specialized Senior High program, every K to 12 graduates will be ready to go into different paths may it be further education, employment, or entrepreneurship.Every graduate will be equipped with Information, media and technology skills, Learning and innovation skills, Effective communication skills, and livelihood and career skills. MANILA, Philippines Last May 15, President Benigno Aquino III signed the compound Basic Education Act of 2013 into law. Philippines is the last country in Asia to approved k 12. The implementation of the Universal Kindergarten began in SY 201 12012. The enhanced curriculum for Grade 1 and Grade 7 (1st Year Junior High School) was rolled out in SY 20122013, and will be progressively introduced in the other grade levels in succeeding school years.Grade 11 will be introduced in SY 20162017 and Grade 12 in SY 20172018. The ? rst batch of high school students to go through K to 12 will graduate in March 2018. K to 12 graduates will be ready to be employed in various industries. Education Secretary Armin Luistro foregoing said that the K to 12 program would like to ensure that even if they dont choose to go to college, they finish studying what is basic. As per Republic Act no. 10157 or the Kindergarten Education Act, Kindergarten has become part of the education system and a pre-requisite for admission to Grade 1.Public schools will continue to admit children who have not taken Kindergarten into Grade 1 until SY 2013-2014. Senior high school students can choose from 3 tracks Academic, Sports and Arts, and Technical-Vocation al-Livelihood. After Grade 10, a student can obtain Certi? cates of Competency (COC) or a National Certi? cate Level I (NC I). After finishing a Technical Vocational-Livelihood in Grade 12, a student may obtain a National Certi? cate Level II (NC II), provided he/she passes the competency-based assessment of the Technical Education and Skills Development Authority (TESDA). NC I and NC II improves employability of graduates in ?elds like Agriculture, Electronics, and Trade. In Kinder, mother tongue, shall be used as the medium of instruction. In Grades 1-3, the mother tongue will be used in teaching all subjects, except in teaching Filipino and English subjects. commencement Grade 4, Filipino and English will become the languages for instruction. Starting SY 2016-2017, DepEd shall engage in partnerships with colleges, universities, and Technical-Vocational Institutions (TVI) to use their existing facilities and teaching staff to ensure that decrease in enrollment in these colleges and universities will be offset during the transition period.Private schools are to adhere to the minimum standards of the K to 12 curriculum. They should also follow the K to 12 progression, even if they choose not to offer grades 11-12 (e. g. private junior high schools can remain as such but their students will have to transfer for senior high school). Recommendations In the light findings of the study and the conclusion drawn, the following recommendations are given K to 12 will be more embraced by the parents of the students if the government will make new ways of helping the parents of the student to make their childrens finish the k to 12 programMost of the student who will undergo k-12 program belongs to a family that has a minimum wage income. And majority of the respondents are 11-12 years old. Based on my study , we can say that k to 12 program will affect the student learnings and will add training for them to used if they will treasured to work as early in their age. It can be said for the findings that k to 12 will help the youth to be young professionals in the hospitality industry were in job opportunities are more open to them because of the training that they will take in this program.On the findings there for include that the k to 12 has many effects on the students that will undergo the program and they will have capabilities of having work in the hospitality industry but in the study it shows that it also decreased their parents capabilities to support their studies. Decision criteria Future education status Family salary income how do you asses k to 12 program as a student to take the k to 12 program Quality of the education Effects on the student learningIts effect on the parents capabilities on supporting their Childs education How will it affect the numbers of the students who will continue their studies to attain their degree in college? What is the perception of the students regards to the k to 12 program the new ways of learning r eadiness for them to work in a establishment If the TESDA training accreditation will make them more professionals especially on the hospitality industry. Subject this research concerns with the analysis of the case of k to 12 program in the Philippines that had been implied last 2012 and if can create new hospitality professionals.Respondents the respondents of the study are the students of San Antonio National high school that has already taking the new curriculum k to 12. Instrumentation the author used the following instrument to gather classic data . Questionnaires are carefully prepared to answer the specific problems of the study. reflectivity as means of gathering information for the research may nail down as perceiving data through the senses. Observation is most widely used in studying behavior. This will be used to determine the actual reaction of the students while the Questionnaire given to them.Setting the author will focus their studies on the point of view o f students in San Antonio national high school in san Antonio village Makati city. Justification Student that will take k to 12 program can acquired the following Acquire mastery of basic competencies. Be more emotionally mature. Be socially aware , pro-active, involve in public and civic affairs. Be adequately prepared for the phrase of work or Entrepreneurship or higher education. Be legally employable with potential for break away earnings. Be globally warlike. Every graduate of the raise K to 12 Basic Education program is an empowered one-on-one who has learned, through a program that is rooted on sound educational principles and geared towards excellence, the mental homes for learning throughout life, the competence to engage in work and be productive, the ability to coexist in fruitful harmony with local and global communities, the capability to engage in autonomous critical thinking, and the cogency to transform others and oneself.Agriculture and Fisheries, Spor ts, Business and Entrepreneurship Why add two more years? Decongest and enhance the basic education curriculum. Better quality education for all. Philippines is the only remaining country in Asia with a 10-year basic education program. K to12 is not new. The proposal to expand the basic education dates back to 1925. Studies in the Philippines have shown that an additional year of schooling increases earnings by 7. 5%..Studies validate that improvements in the quality of education will increase GDP growth by 2% to 2. 2% Minus 2 instead of plus 2 for those families who cannot afford a college education but still wish to have their children find a good paying(a) job. Right now, parents spend for at least 4 years of college to have unemployable child. In our model, parents will not pay for 2 years of basic Education that will give them an employable child. In effect, we are saving parents 2 years of expenses.The plan is not Plus 2 years before graduation but Minus 2 years before work In spire a shift in lieu that completion of high school education is more than just preparation for college but can be sufficient for a gainful employment or career. What will the society gain from K to 12? K to 12 will facilitate an accelerated economic growth. K to 12 will facilitate mutual recognition of Filipino graduates and professionals in other countries. A better educated society provides a sound foundation for long-term socio-economic development.Several studies have shown that the improvements in the quality of education will increase GDP growth by as much as 2%. Studies in the UK, India and US show that additional years of schooling also have positive overall impact on society. What Benefits will Individuals and Families get? An enhanced curriculum will decongest academic workload. Graduates will occupy competencies and skills relevant to the job market. Graduates will be prepared for higher education. Graduates will be able to earn higher wages and/or better prepared to start their own business.Graduates could now be recognized abroad. MANILA, PhilippinesAdding two years to the present 10-year basic education cycle is an absolutely innate reform to put the countrys public education system at par with the rest of the world, an international education expert said on Wednesday. Sheldon Shaeffer, director at the Bureau of Education of the UN Educational, Scientific and ethnical Organization (Unesco) Asia Pacific, said the K+12 program (Kindergarten plus 12 years) was a necessary reform to make the system comparable to and competitive with other countries. Speaking at a lecture on school leadership at the Department of Education (DepEd), Shaeffer said a 12-year education cycle would be more useful to the personal needs and employment opportunities of its graduates. I actually dont see how people can disagree with it, said Shaeffer before an audience of top Philippine education officials and representatives from various schools. The flagship education p rogram of the Aquino administration, the K+12 basic education reform plan aims to improve the quality of Filipino high school graduates by adding two years of senior high school to the current 10-year education curriculum.The two additional years in senior high school are envisioned to serve as a speciality period for high school students, whether in vocational skills, music, the arts or sports. This would give high school graduates the option to pursue jobs with a basic education diploma or proceed to college. The program aims to make Philippine education at par with the rest of the world, with 12 years of basic schooling already a global standard. According to the DepEd, only the Philippines, Angola and capital of Djibouti have a 10-year basis schooling cycle.Officials said the two-year shortcoming had proven problematic in the accreditation of Philippine graduates when applying for postgraduate courses and employment overseas. Recently, Laos added a year to its 11-year-program, Shaeffer noted. Education Secretary Armin Luistro acknowledged that the transition to a 12-year system would be difficult but noted that the Philippines was already delayed in coming up to the global standard. What were looking at now is how to implement it. In implementing any change, there will be hassle and this is what we really have to work on toge
Tuesday, January 15, 2019
Ethical Public Speaking Paper Essay
The Speaker was Emma Watson introducing the campaign called He for She. The campaign is to the highest degree political, economic, and social grammatical sexual urge equating and non just for females, but for males as well. To often the word fe military manism has an underlying meaning to tribe as man hating. Emma Watson came to speak somewhat just that and other issues that often go by unseen. The issues of the glass ceiling, equal wages for same work between genders, women function in poilicies and laws that will effect all womens lives, and socially having equal respect. in that respect is no country in our world that have completely achieved gender equality that should be viewed as human rights. There has been signifi behindt expediency in many countries but many women today still do non have the opportunity to have secondary schooling. Men should be just as much involved in gender equality because there are also issues that they have to deal with.The role as a father i s being valued less and less in society, and young men do not ask for help for cultism they will be less of a man. Men and women should feel dispense with to be sentative and strong. As Emma Watson said, Gender should be on one spectrum and not two sets of opposing ideals. Ms. Watson upheld most of the responsibilities for ethical public speaking. The topic of gender equality promotes positive values and she did not shy away or back down from what hse believed in. Multiple times in the talk she talked about in her research she has found many startling facts and presented them well. When her language was not inclusive, it was to show the conflict and differences between genders.The time in total for the diction was about 13 minutes long and was respectful to her listeners. Some things that were not fufilled was sometimes with the statistics she used whole numbers instead of percentages and did not realization her sources for any of her information. Some of the responsibilities t hat a listener would have to this speech would be clappinging at certain points. When the listeners clapped it communicated their agreement to Emma Watson, and she in turn, paused and waited for them to finish. While Ms. Watson was speaking, she invited all people to join her in the movement He for She and as a listener, we can choose to either join her movement or not. Emma Watsons speech was an excellent example of an ethical speech discussing a controversial topic.
Monday, January 14, 2019
Mexican Immigrants in the United States Essay
Abstract Choosing to focus on the Mexi scum bag Immigrant in the joined States take in answer abet to develop an understanding of how organizational decisions fit the acceptance and inclusion of the multitude with those of the organizations in-radical creating a integrated work surround. Chao and Willaby (2007) theorized that everyone had their own vision of how the human race works and acting upon it found on what they nonplus perceived as creation true several(prenominal) seasons the visions of separates are difficult to understand or accept, which can cause encounter and alienation in the work side.According to Adu-Febiri (2006) the responsibility of transformational leadership is to raise employee reason thus, beginning the tour for an al together-inclusive and unified work environment. Mei and Russ (2007) determine that precautions neutral should be to help organizational employees to undercoat a foundation of developing the core and pagan com petencies that are fine to developing effective methods for advocating veer and pagan blending.The numbers of this essay and the completion of employee interviews depart help to heighten areas of self-actualization and hea then(prenominal)ish and lingual competencies of the author and solely pagan root words she go out be accountable. Mexican Immigrants in the United States Work channelize entry Chao and Willaby (2007) advised that everyone had their own vision of how the world works and that everyone performs according to their intuition of the duty counsel to live as a get out of that world.Greenwood (2007) contends at that arse are differing perceptions of how the world operates creates hard contends when working(a) to blend differing beliefs toward a unified environment. The following literature examine focuses on raising the train of form consciousness as it relates to Mexican immigrants in the study. Deaux, Reid, Martin, and Bikmen (2006) identify th at the Latino sociohistorical spatial relation provided real information reflecting an independent group that is dedicated to their families and struggling to exsert in an environment that often re moves them world in the workplace.Parrado and Kandel (2010) contend the Hispanic group is one of the fastest development minority groups that has magnified the return of low- adroitnessed workers. The author besides determine the groups struggle with linguistic disputes as universe what pr until nowted rough from achieving educational ineluctably, which exacerbates the groups par in the workplace. Trends in Workplace Diversity Globalization, technology, and increased mobile ability let created assorted ethnic and linguistic challenges felt around the globe.Greenwood (2008) contended that some of the Hispanic group chose to move to the United States in pursuit of a high quality of life others made their decisions behindd on a lower cost of living and others came who le to advance an income that could be sent back to their homeland to take care of family left behind. Whatever the reason for the influx challenges to achieving unity in the workplace begin at the attack and will become to a greater extent complex in nature as the number of ethnic and linguistic minorities continue to aim.The qualitative athletic field performed by deCastro, Fujishiro, Sweitzer, and Oliva, (2006) theorized the negative workplace experiences of minority groups were inclusive of linguistic barriers, poor and precarious working conditions, illegal methods of pay, work related injuries, and, finally, a consistent hurt of jobs. Adu-Febiri (2006) theorized that workplace environments require the creation of opportunities for inclusion of all associated with the organization that matriculates all toward a true multi heathenish identity.Impact of Global Economy deCastro, et al (2006) provided that the impacts of a ball-shaped economy are far r unmarriedlying and c rap pay heedd to change the very fabric of cultural beliefs and community structures. The authors explain that m any of the in-migrants see the expanding economies as a brisk and promising dimension of successfulness while galore(postnominal) of the internal group believes it to be the portent of doom. For break out and worse, everyone will have to l top intimately and from one a nonher.Rizvi (2009) theorized the impact of a global economy as being imbibed in chance(a) activities much(prenominal)(prenominal) as processes at work, cultural interrelationships, capital, information exchanges, food and goods, and ideas. The global economy changed the dynamics of doing business with the enhancement of technology, communication, politics, and immigration. Adu-Febiris (2006) contentions of the global environment included the potential for cultural erosion due to a wish of human factor competency. As employment globalization grows so do the challenges for maintaining ethnic cul tural norms in a manner that creates workplace inclusion.Chao and Willaby (2007) echoed Adu-Febiris thoughts when they asserted the globalization has created the challenge of the hiring of immigrants around the world the authors maintain, has no geographic, political, or cultural bounds (Chao and Willaby, p. 32, 2007). The authors further identified challenges of minority ethnic and linguistic groups have been to hold onto their cultural and linguistic makeup Globalization has promote many to dress the c entry the other dresses and eat what the other eats, the result being a cultural homogenization process and the subtle emotions of ethnic cultural shame within groups.Chao and Willaby (2007) explained that reducing and ultimately eliminating the impact of cultural homogenization, the overt and more subtle forms of divergence, ethnic and linguistic bias requires the refinement of kind consciousness in the form of implicit cognitive sensory faculty of forethought and employees. Discrimination Practices Carr-Ruffino (2005) explained that challenges to ensuring discrimination does non exist in the workplace requires a thorough understanding of the context it occurs, which requires high levels of self-awareness and a meaning(a) understanding of all ethnic groups in the workplace.Findler, Wind, and Mor Barak (2007) asserted that the ever development challenge of diverseness has worked to create demands that organizations determine and implement methods for effectively heading with work force variety show. A number of theoretical viewpoints and studies identify common move that include perceptions of inclusion or exclusion, fairness, social and organizational loading, job satisfaction, and the boilers suit sense of benefit. other study performed by Krings and Olivares (2007) questioned the impact of ethnicity, job type, bias, and the allegiance to interview discrimination practices from the employer perspective. The study resolved there was a higher p otential for bias and discriminatory practices when there was a lack of alteration consciousness. Echautegui-de- Jesus, et al (2006) explained that working alongside an ethnic and gender group the native group perceives as being different from themselves creates challenges arising from im counterpoised group designers.The Rubini, Moscatelli, Albarello, and Palmonari (2006) study compared the discriminatory cause of group power and social acknowledgment as it relates to linguistic discrimination. The study found higher levels of discriminatory practices were present when in-group participants responded in more absolute way to other in-group members than they did with those considered the outside group. Another study completed by Echautegui-de-Jesus, Hughes, Johnston, and Hyun (2006) examined the effects of the employees psychological sense of welfare and job satisfaction as it relates to employee performance.Echautegui-de- Jesus, et al (2006) identified that minority groups oft en perceive themselves as being threatened with the loss of their take careation of the world the result being the loss of ability to achieve a sense of belonging, which brings into focus Robinsons (2008) contention that identifying discriminatory practices often relies on perceptions of contentions of discrimination of the receiver. The need for higher levels of understanding salmagundi and the relationship among achieving a sense of well-being will be scathing to the Hispanic groups continued growth as a part of a global world.The studies and theoretical viewpoints reviewed provided a deeper insight to potential discriminatory practices arising from the diversification of the workplace. Ruane (2010) elucidated that as globalized employment continues to evolve and grow, talent pools will increase in a way that p separatelyyly enhances an organizations ability to do business anywhere in the world. Taking advantage of the globalized potential requires management and employees ra ise the bar on diversity consciousness to create a sense of well-being for everyone in the workplace environment.Accommodating Diversity Ruane (2010) identified the need for accommodating diversity in the workplace and that it mandatory learn, strategies, and methods for managing diversity that created equality and a sense of well-being for everyone involved with working environment. A critical step toward identifying the level and expanding necessitate of diversity consciousness requires the identification of attitudes and implemented devices that will maintain and increase the common ground between all related to the workplace.The study performed by Greenwood (2008) stipulated the more a workplace environment diversifies the more difficult it would become for employees to maintain the sense of being a part of a unified work environment, which necessitates high levels of fealty to diversity practices on a consistent basis. Ruane (2010) theorized the importance of willingly and openly creating opportunities of inclusion begins with creating prospect for donationd diversity experiences that will increase diversity consciousness over time.The Nielsen and Fehmidah study (2009) identified the relationship between transformational leadership and the employees sense of well-being. Understanding that creating an effective diversity oriented work environment will help to ensure workers job satisfaction, inclusiveness, and sense of well-being continues to grow is not difficult however, establishing inviolable leadership that is committed to ensuring prior under be groups, such as the Mexican group requires strong diversity skill sets. Nielson and Munirs (2009) article argued that the multifaceted workforce environment of the United States requirestransformational management, laws ensuring equitable equality, and strong diversity nurture practices Practices that encompass the perceived challenges of a Hispanic workforce. most(prenominal) can flout the only way to manage diversity is to device for it. Effects of Cultures in the Workplace Greenwood (2008) rationalized the worlds workplace environment is consistently changing and with each change comes different cultures, religions, sexual orientations, and ethnic groups the target area is to welcome and support each group equally so as to create a new unified environment.Robinson (2008) provided that efforts to blend diverse cultures can have both negative and domineering effects on operations, interrelationships, productivity, and the future growth of the company. Understanding differences between groups is a critical beginning step toward understanding how to make diverse cultures work together. The interviewing of three severalize organizations helped to provide a better understanding of how both negative and positive effects of differing cultures can affect organizational outcomes.Greenwood (2008) explicated that cultural diversity modify each member of a work group he also ident ified that challenges arising from linguistic barriers, differing work ethics, communication misunderstandings, and group power imbalances represented major trials to diversity. de Castro, Fujishiro, Sweitzer, and Oliva (2006) explained that diversity challenges require the commitment of management to ensure the positive effects outweigh the potential negative effects.Each of the three organizations interviewed believed potently that it is only by creating flexible and inclusive work environments that organizations can thread the benefits of diversity in the workplace. Organizations that have planned for diversity understand that the right employee and management diversity planning and training will open the tip off for contri exceptions resulting from the perceptions of a multicultural workforce that is focussed on one objective the health and growth of the organization and the communities being served (Gabe Hooper, Personal Communication, January 20, 2011).Employer Attitudes Th e three organizations interviewed for the review work in the work delivery areas of healthcare. Each organization is focused on providing care and services to the communities under their care. The three interviewees chosen for the jump out presented diversity attitudes that were similar in their perceptions of cultural diversity. Each offered a explanation of diversity that relates to being anything and everything associated with human life inclusive of the way an item-by-itemistic thinks, feels, dresses, communicates, and behaves.Each considered the value of diversity consciousness as being a critical component to the continued success of the organizations. However, each of the interviewees offered differing perspectives for overcoming culture challenges and the exclusion of bias and discriminatory perceptions of all concerned. Some of the differences in perspectives are due to a noted lack of diversity within the organization some of the differences are due to a lack of prio r experience dealings with multicultural groups within the workplace.Appalachian Community Services (ACS) of western northernmost Carolina offers strict protocols for agency professionals and support staff to ensure agency service delivery eliminates the potential for bias, prejudicial and any other discriminatory practices. Gabe Hooper the political program Manager for ACS was open to allowing a review and discussion of agency promulgated agency policies as it relates to diversity initiatives of the organization.The agency policy offers stipulations inclusive of 1) a working environment that promotes dignity and respect, 2) the commitment to diversity and equality, good management practices that make sense, 3) the commitment to monitor and review on an annual basis, and 4) promises to make out all forms of misconduct as defined in the organizations code of ethics manual. After reviewing the agency standards for diversity management Mr. Hooper was asked why the agency did not s eem to have a diverse base of employees within the agency. Mr.Hooper explained that ACS was largely a non-profit organization requiring high levels of professional credentialing to veritable(a) be employed with the agency and that eliminated a number of the minority populace. Another reason provided was the fact the organization was based in rural environment, which does not lend well to the procuring and retaining of high quality and diverse professionals. Mr. Hooper stated, The organization holds what comes their way and whether or not it balances diversity initiatives is secondary (Gabe Hooper, Program Manager, Personal Communication, January 20, 2011).ACS professionals come in with one another and with their communities to create a strong sense of inclusion and well-being the agency participates and supports community group histories and cultural celebrations. Hooper identified that everything experience represents a new knowledge and it is brought into the work environment. ACS requires ongoing and consistent training for diversity related challenges that are becoming a part of the changing landscape however, the organization has been disappointed with attracting minority groups to the organization.ACS has and enforces strong diversity protocols that are designed to ensure clients of the agency are not subjected to any forms of bias, prejudicial, or any other discriminatory practices and these same protocols are intended to serve the organization as the workplace culture evolves (Gabe Hooper, Program Manager, Personal Communication, January 20, 2011). Harris regional hospital offered by far the most culturally diverse workforce reviewed and diversity was represented at all levels of the organization.Janet Millsaps, Vice chairperson of tender-hearted Resources explained the infirmarys objective for being the place to work in western North Carolina. To fulfill the hospitals objective requires the valuing, utilizing, and recognizing the whimsical pot ential of everyone working for the hospital. Millsaps explained that every new employee, no matter the daub or department, is required to attend diversity-training sessions prior to stepping into their assigned positions and to attend annual seminars as they are presented.Finally, all employees must read and sign an concord to uphold the organizations code of ethics, which includes a number of diversity professional conduct requirements. The objective of the hospital is to achieve a 90 percent consumer success rating from each employee that serves that consumer. Diversity consciousness represents the biggest challenge to the hospital and it is taken very seriously. All employees are encouraged to plowshare in community celebrations whether from the perspective of the resident Cherokee, Mexican immigrants, or any other group employees are expected to share and respect each others cultural beliefs as well.Harris Regional takes a great deal of pride in their commitment to all staff members and encourages each one to share and promote ideas and concepts that will serve to unite the hospital with the communities it serves (Janet Millsaps, VP, Personal Communication, February 01, 2011). The third and final interview performed was conducted with the Hospice folk Foundation of WNC, Inc. Michele Alderson, President defines the objective of the Hospice House as being to provide the right care, at the right time, in the right place, for the right patient, and on their terms.Alderson explains the development of a diversity-sensitive organization as being a part of the groundwork that is critical to being an accepted help facility in any community. Mrs. Alderson believes overcoming diversity challenges in western North Carolina represents a tougher obstacle than in other areas of the country. The diversity of her workforce is currently limited to three or quadruplet multicultural subgroups inclusive of Cherokee, Mexican, African American, and Caucasian groups that out number the other organizational groups.Hospice House encourages all of their employees to learn from one another and the clients they serve. Alderson also explained there is no official diversity training program in place to raise the organizations diversity consciousness however, the organization does have formal written codes of ethics that include organizational directives for ensuring equal word and respect for all employees of Hospice. Contri exclusivelyion of Policies and Procedures Each of the three organizations interviewed offered formal written policies and procedures for guiding their respective organizations toward a balanced multicultural environment.ACS enforces their guidelines, encourages their employees to collaborate with the communities being served, and provides continuing diversity education however, the organizations management has been unsuccessful with creating opportunities for hiring multicultural staff and professionals due to the rural environment being served. The Hospice House Foundation of WNC has formal policies put into place but those policies do not seem to function as a part of the organizations processes, nor was there a lot of organizational diversity noted at the time of the interview.The organization does not offer ongoing diversity training to their employees or professional staff members however, the organization is supportive of community consequence attendance. Finally, Hospice House does not have any initiatives for creating a balanced multicultural workforce, which would make the environment more difficult for the smaller subgroups as the environment changes. Again, Harris Regional Hospital was the most thorough and impressive organization interviewed as it relates to diversity sensitivity. The hospitals commitment to diversity and individual needs is readily evident.The hospitals staff is encouraged to not only acknowledge and respect the needs of one another they are provided critical training to accomplish or ganizational objectives. All staff is encouraged to share knowledge and to create opportunities for inclusion that brings with it a strong sense of well-being the employees spoken with confirmed they liked working with the hospital. Real-Life Practices and Recommended Practices Each of the organizations interviewed reflected a level of understanding for the needs of diverse employee populations and the needs of multicultural communities.Each of the professionals interviewed still the relationship between work place environments and employee satisfaction. Each of the interviewees expressed their organizations had the commitment levels necessary to ensuring employee inclusion and the elimination of power group struggles. Adu-Febiri (2006) revealed that creating shared experiences and maintaining the balance of unity in the workplace as being a significant component to achieving a well-blended work environment. Not one of the organizations has a plan that will help workers overcome l inguistic barriers.Rizvi (2009) identified one of the more critical needs of minority groups were programs and training modules designed to help with eliminating linguistic barriers in the work environment. Harris Regional was the only organization that believes they were up to the challenge of globalization and the evolving impacts of ethnicity. ACS and Hospice House of WNC have put the right policies and procedures in place but have not created the initiatives to attract minority groups to the workplace, which also infers the organizational leadership is not in a position to offer transformational skills that would link all employees (Ruane, 2010).Harris Regional has already experienced challenges arising from perceptions of discrimination and worked to resolve struggles relating to power groups. ACS and Hospice House are relying on the formal policies that were put in place at the time they opened operations, which means the leadership has not had the opportunity to see if what was established works in real-life practice.Robinson (2008) contended that without having experienced diversity the potential for implied segregation will be high as the organizations expand and new groups come seeking employment both organizations agreed this would be a potential event with their organizations. Harris Regional has been afforded the opportunity to active agently recruit multicultural groups the other two organizations claim they have not had applicants apply for getable positions and both agreed they had not pursued any recruiting initiatives.Harris Regional Hospital reflects transformational leadership and they are committed to high levels of minority representation, subgroup retention, staff skill development, and the inclusion of everyone as a unified group, which is in line with the thoughts presented in an article published by Dreachslin (2007). ACS and Hospice Home of WNC have only begun the journey toward achieving objectives of diversity consciousness but both organizations are committed to learning and welcoming the new workplace trends. Myths and Stereotypes of the Mexican Group.Nielson and Munir (2009) recognized that the opening of parley in the workplace that hookes cultural figments and stereotyping challenges can be difficult and complex as many do not even realize their part in promulgating myths and stereotyping. Much research inclusive of Nielson and Munir (2009) identify that cultural myths and stereotyping have been a part of the world likely since the beginnings of the human race and that myth and stereotyping is alive and well in the United States. People believe and then attribute that belief by applying it generally.An individual that bites into a bad apple offers the potential for creating myths that all apples are bad rather than taking the time to sort through each one. The Mexican group has not been an elision to stereotyping and myths. Aaracho and Spodek (2007) identified that many have perceived the Mexica n American drive as being cold, distant and the authoritarian, which often translates into an unwillingness to be an active participant with a community or even with their own children.The stump of being a cold, distant, and unforgiving individual can give way to stereotyping that all the male portion of the group is interested in what they mightiness gain in the workplace environment rather than what they can give. The authors, Aaracho and Spodek (2007) also identified that women of the Mexican group are portrayed as being quiet, submissive, and dedicated to their husbands, which creates even further myths and stereotyping as it relates to the potential of the Mexican womens abilities in the workplace environment. Mulholland (2007) identified challenges arising from the myth that the entire Mexican group was uneducated and thereby, qualified for only the most rudimentary jobs, which represented the jobs no one else wanted.Krings and Olivares (2007) noted there were higher levels of stereotyping when Mexican applicants applied for positions that required linguistic skills. Language, accents, and body address represents the foundation of all cultures and it represents self-identification. Bernsteins (2007) thoughts provided that Mexican Americans have been made to feel their communication style is incorrect and in some manner lacking the group has been stereotyped by others believing the differences in language integrity means the group is slight intelligent.Schwartz, Domenech, Field, Santiago-Rivera, and Arredondo (2010) identified the challenges of minority professionals entry the workforce without sufficient linguistic competency as having attributed to stereotyping and myths of cultural groups. Bernstein (2007) revealed that many of the in-groups were quick to point out the Mexican groups were in the United States to earn monies, send them home to be put toward economic security needs in Mexico, and returning themselves when enough had been earned.In troducing these types of myths and stereotypes creates challenges to the group in the workplace because it gives impulse to even more harmful forms of stereotyping a minority group entering the workplace environment where myth and stereotyping is present and unchecked will be all but forced to suffer the consequences of belief systems they had nothing to do with creating. Effects of Stereotyping and Cultural Myths The effects of stereotyping and cultural myths can cripple the working environment. McDonald (2010) described the stereotyping and cultural myth challenges to minority groups as being congressman of a cycle.First, the stereotypes and myths begin with the unknown and this is often followed by competition between groups most often, the competition is in the perspective of an in-group rather than the minority group. The neighboring step occurs as conflicts between groups arise and this is followed even deeper rooted and malignant stereotyping and myths. McDonald (2010) con tended hatful learn and apply attributes to what they perceive and this represents only one of less dangerous effects of stereotyping and myth. The Mexican American populace struggles with becoming a part of the mainstream environment, whether in the workplace or at home.Aberson and Gaffney (2009) revealed that the struggles of minority groups can find its root in the forced isolation caused by stereotyping and cultural myths they feel has been made their self-image. The articles presented by Mulholland (2007) and Wolfe, Cohen, Kirchner, Montoya, and Insko (2009) agree that the effects of stereotyping do not stop with the Mexican American adults it is funneled down through children via their parents, which infers the damaging effects continue through the generations of Mexican American group.Bernstein (2007) pronounced that failing to address and education all cultural groups within the workplace will result in deeply seeded divisions between the workforce between group competition that will cause anger and frustration for all involved, and it will continue growing and expanding until the minority group has been squeezed out of the environment entirely. Exposing and Discrediting Myths and Stereotypes.Carr-Ruffino (2005) provided that exposing and discrediting cultural myths and stereotyping require that everyone be listening and hearing one another. MacDonald (2010) identified that people achieved their understanding by believing their perceptions and that it influenced the way they think and behave thereafter. Individuals helped to realize how important it is to recognize the beginnings and nuances of cultural myths and stereotyping are more likely to change attitudes and behaviors in a way that compliments the whole rather than individual groups.Wolf, et al (2009) provided that a critical step to creating a unified workplace environment required tools and methods that will help everyone to learn to critically interpret different cultures, uncover embedded i deologies, and learn to become socially obligated employees and citizens. Schwartz, et al (2010) articulated the critical need for getting everyone to question the deeper meanings of all cultural groups within the workplace will enhance knowledge that will provide the potential for critical thought thus, bring awareness of individual beliefs and value systems that can be blended with others.Sarach and Spodek (2007) revealed the need for organizations to create shared experiences between groups supports acculturation and assimilation processes that are critical to creating a unified environment dedicated not only to the good of the organization but to the good of one another. Transformational leadership is also critical to safeguarding initiatives to expose and discrediting myths and stereotyping.Schwartz, et al (2010) identified that leadership that is positioned to help overcome cultural linguistic challenges such as the Mexican American that can speak English but cannot write it is able to overcome it without being subjected to the stereotyping that hinders self-esteem will help level the playing field between groups. Creating multicultural teams in a workshop that is designated as support groups is another method of bringing differing groups together to achieve a truer and more just understanding of one another.The objective of bringing everyone together in a workshop should be to make certain no one is capitulated it is also not about identifying the one committing a wrong he or she does not even realize as being done or said. The workshop is a great environment for working together to grow cultural awareness, agree on methods and strategies for overcoming the challenges, and unify to eliminate the harmful effects of cultural myths and stereotyping. A workshop is for getting to know one another, learning about differences, and asking questions about perceptions received.Debunking cultural myths and stereotyping requires a long-term commitment from the leadership and all employees of the organization to one another and it begins with implemented learning strategies. proof As previously identified globalization and new technologies have created opportunities for connecting differing cultural groups from all over the world the Mexican immigrant is no exception. Aberson and Gaffney (2009) identified the Mexican cultural group as being one of the fastest growing cultural groups in the United States.The authors also identified the group is being consistently challenged by some that wish the group to maintain a social stratification level that is far below that of an in-group in the workplace. Chao and Willaby (2007) provided that bringing unknown cultural groups into the work environment can serve to alienate those of the minority groups from those of the in-group some of the exhibited behaviors have included everything from forced segregation to critically malignant forms of discrimination that can contribute to group elimination. Me i and Russ (2007) identified that the establishment and upholding of organizational policies that have been designed to protect immigran
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