Saturday, August 31, 2019
How illiteracy influences people’s life Essay
In the movie, â€Å"The Reader,†Kate Winslet played the role of Hanna Schmitz, an illiterate train conductor who was sent to jail without even understanding what she has done wrong. When Hanna said the line, â€Å"I would rather listen to you†¦ ,†I was moved because these few words allowed me to empathize with people who are illiterate. It gave me a glimpse of the feelings of helplessness and frustration they must encounter in their everyday life. The movie also showed me how illiteracy can affect a person’s life. Because of the fact that they do not have access to the information the rest of the world has, they end up being enslaved by the opinions of the literate. It is impossible for them to construct opinions as they do lack the details needed to create one. At the same time, they are forced to be dependent on people who can provide them with this information. They are also under the mercy of people who have knowledge in the written law. The movie also showed me how humbling it must be not to be able to read or write. At the start of the movie, she had an affair with a man half her age. And, whenever the man would read for her, her seniority faded away because of the way she would act like a child waiting for her father to read her a bed time story. Hanna’s story shows how important being literate is. It plays an important role in a person’s life as it can change his or her destiny. In this essay, I would like to talk about the changes and effects of literacy to a person’s mind and life. I would like to show how literacy can give intellect and power to a person by going through the works of Staple, Douglass and Kozel which they created in order to emphasize the importance of literacy in the democratic world. Brent Staple, an author and editorial writer for the New York Times, recounted the way his grandfather changed his life by learning how to read. In one of his articles, he wrote: Name of Author – 2- â€Å"Nevertheless, the ability to read and write gave them a vantage point on their circumstances and protected them from swindlers who regularly stripped illiterate people of land and other assets. †(p. 1) Staple’s grandfather was able to gain his independence by learning how to read and write. He also learned how to distinguish what is good from what is bad, what can benefit him and what can ruin his life. He also found himself with the power to think and give his opinion as he now has a better grasp of the issues around him. Armed with the knowledge he was able to acquire from reading, he found the power to make his own decisions and fight for his rights. He was able to free himself from the prison of other people’s thoughts. Another writer, Frederick Douglass, who is famous for his line: â€Å"I would unite with anybody to do right and with nobody to do wrong,†wrote an article that is parallel to Staple’s article in the way that he talked about the way literacy influenced his life and his thinking. Douglass’ story, however, is quite different from that of Staple’s grandfather. In his story, he recounted that he learned how to read in secret with the fear of being beaten. Being born a slave, Douglass was passed on from one owner to another. The wife of one his owners taught him the alphabet even though she knew that there was a law against teaching slaves how to read. Her husband obviously disapproved about this when he found out. He believed that a slave who gains literacy will be unsatisfied with his condition and yearn for freedom. Even with the threat of being caught and beaten up, Douglass learned how to read with the help of the white children in the neighborhood. He also did his best to observe the way the order white men would write. His perspective changed after he has attained literacy. Douglas realized that black men are not brutes or savages who should be limited to working as a slave, Name of Author – 3 – they have the right to be educated and respected. As his master predicted, he yearned for the freedom that the white people have. As he continues to learn how to read and write, Douglass’ attitude to life is gradually transformed by literacy. Douglass mentions in the article: â€Å"I read them over and over again with unabated interest. They give tongue to interesting thought of my own soul†¦. The moral which I gained from the dialogue was the power of truth over the conscience of even a slaveholder. †(p. 45) By learning how to read and write, Douglass learned not only the meaning of words and sentences, but the power of knowledge. He slowly became aware of his rights as a human being and how unfairly the black people have been treated. He also realized that illiteracy is the reason why the white people were able to enslave his race for so long. Not only did illiteracy keep them unaware of their rights, it also made them unable to think for themselves, to distinguish from right and wrong, what is harmful and what is not. It also stopped them from acquiring the knowledge that they need to pursue their freedom. Hence, they were influenced by the white people to believe that their only purpose in life was to work for them. With his newfound knowledge, he was able to change his life and gain his freedom. At the same time, having appreciated the value of literacy, he passed on the knowledge to other slaves, giving them the opportunity to change their own lives. In Kozol’s article, he focuses on how illiteracy can threaten a person’s way of life and thinking. He believes that one will never really have ability to protect himself if he is illiterate because he is always unaware of what’s going on. He can’t read the strange signs on the street that warns him of danger or tells him that he is breaking the law. Neither can he read legal documents, making him vulnerable to being swindled. He is also unaware of his rights. Kozol Name of Author – 4 – says, â€Å" They do not know what rights they have, what deadlines and requirements they face, what option they might choose to exercise. They are half-citizens. Their right exist I print but not in fact. †(52-53) They cannot protect their own rights since they don’t know what their rights are. Neither can they apply their rights or make a choice because they do not know what their options are. The same points were tackled by Douglas in his article when he said that black people were treated like slaves because they were not literate and were not given the chance to know that they do not have to limit themselves to such a status. They just thought that would go through this nightmare for the rest of their lives because no one could save them. What they didn’t know was they could’ve saved themselves had they known that they had rights to fight for. If they had been literate, they would have realized that they are not slaves and they have right to be educated and respected because they are humans. Illiteracy, however, has exiled them to such an nightmarish existence where their destiny is dictated by their masters. Now literacy still plays the most important role in society. If you are not able to read and write, it would be really hard for you to live. You wouldn’t know how to deal with a lot of things. You wouldn’t know what is right or wrong, what would benefit you and what would harm you. Because of the numerous things that you do not know, your lack of knowledge can bring you harm. At the same time, your lack of knowledge, stops you from having your own beliefs or opinions. And, since you have know access to the options you can choose from, you end up believing that there are none and the only thing you can do is follow what the other people are doing or to have the same opinion as they do. Without literacy, all the people can do is follow and obey, allowing other people to take charge of their own lives. If a country is filled with illiterate people then democracy is useless since the mindless majority can be controlled by the Name of Author – 5- government and the votes of those who are literate and have their own minds can be surpassed by those who aren’t. If that is the case, then the government can become a dictator in the guise of democracy. Hence, it is safe to say that without the presence of literacy, there is no knowledge. Without knowledge, there are no choices. And, without knowledge, there is no freedom which is the very essence of democracy.
Friday, August 30, 2019
The Effect of Divorce on Children
AN ESSAY The Effect of Divorce on Children Family values are highly praised. When the family is broken up it can lead to divorce and ultimately many negative implications. So what is effect of divorce on children? Is it always negative? Needless to say, in today’s society, divorce has become a norm in our lives. Married couples today split up due to many different reasons, either because of conflicts in the marriage, lost of romantic feelings, a spouse committing an affair or some other type of marriage problems. Most of these divorced couples have children that are very young and very often don't have an idea how to deal with an event like a divorce. These children will have to learn to deal with their parent’s divorce, sometimes at very young age, affecting them in a positive or negative way. To begin with, divorce hurts children more than parents realize. It is always a traumatic experience in a person's life, especially a child's. When parents divorce, children are not always understand it. This omission can lead to problems with the child's perception of daily life. The impact divorce has on a family is more prominent to the children of the family than the parents. First of all, children have many of their own daily struggles to cope with, such as peer pressure. Adults sometimes forget what it is like to be a child. Many parents do not realize how something like divorce could possibly affect their children as much as it does themselves. As the case may be, children are strongly affected by divorce as they experience some kind of emotional change. Children’s relationships with their friends and relatives may become damaged. Secondly, divorce can also create an unhappy, unfriendly environment for the children. They may not like the person that their mother or father has chosen to be with. This can cause conflicts between stepparents, parents, and children. Children would also have the mental problem of choosing which parent to live with. This can cause a child to be confused and stressed because of the love the child has for both parents. He or she may start to show favoritism towards one of the parents. What is more, kids may look towards other things or relationships to ensure the trust that they were deprived from. For example, children may start taking drugs to relieve them of the stress they have gone through with their parents divorce. Besides, divorce can also cause children to look at marriage as being negative rather than positive. Some children may have problems with future relationships due to the example they receive from their own parents. To my mind, divorce can have long lasting affects on children. Divorce will never be considered a positive solution, nor will children ever be not affected by it in a negative way. Before couples get divorce, they should consider their children first and how it will affect them. Divorce may be the way out for parents, but it always hurts children’s psychological and social health.
Thursday, August 29, 2019
Criminal case of Florida vs Jamarco Stafford Term Paper
Criminal case of Florida vs Jamarco Stafford - Term Paper Example The case of Jamarco Stafford and James Adams reflect a phase in the lives of human beings where crime seems to have taken a major role in changing an entire scenario of a family from happiness to a shattered stage of living. The families of Jamarco Stafford and James Adams could be realized to be in such a stage after they lost their children and faced their other children spending days and nights in jail. Murder being a heinous and harsh crime has been found to encounter several laws and charges. Yet, the society seems to be unable to control human beings from taking up such dreadful measures. Particularly, in the modern times, the younger generation seems to be more violent in nature and getting involved in incidents of murders (Holinger, 1994, p.21) as in the case of Jamarco Stafford and James Adams also get presented. The story of Jamarco Stafford and James Adams presents a case where these two friends who were extremely close friends, growing up together, attending places and events together, eventually betrayed each other when both killed each other’s brothers. Adams had killed the brother of Stafford on demand of a gun. The resistances on the earlier murder created confrontations that led to a second murder of Lavoris Adams who was the brother of James, by Stafford. The incident shattered the lives of these two families and the two young kids had to spend their lives in jail. The incidents were shocking and unexpected since these two kids had grown up together and were the closest of friends (Lebovich, n.d.).... The incidents were shocking and unexpected since these two kids had grown up together and were the closest of friends (Lebovich, n.d.). In the recent years murders or killing by adolescents have rapidly increased in rate. This has eventually created difficulties for â€Å"law enforcement personnel†, as well as other people who are involved in the social or health welfare of common people, the educators, members of families and the peer groups (Heckel & Shumaker, 2001, p.xix). Particularly in cases of adolescent killings it becomes highly difficult to judge the causes behind the act. The young generations are unable to explain their thoughts, their reasons, and are confusing and unaware of the consequences of such actions. Many times they attempt such acts from utter immaturity and impatience (Heckel & Shumaker, 2001, p.xix). Criminal laws are also applicable on the adolescents who execute such heinous crimes. In fact, the number of prisoners from adolescents seems to be rising more than adult prisoners. Juvenile murderers are also treated like adults since laws have now initiated measures not to be partial in such cases, instead criminals should tried as made by the law. The adolescents who have been found to be involved in murders reflect that the number of males in the records is much higher than there are females in the same record (Worell, 2001, p.617). Criminal law and its theories are highly significant in the context of adolescent killing. It has been observed that a criminal law theory may be different from other laws thus making the criminal law theory a unique theory in its context (Moore, 2010, p.8). In most cases the causes of a crime would not be able to be explained by common people. However, several researchers have
Wednesday, August 28, 2019
Task 3 Individual integrative report Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words
Task 3 Individual integrative report - Essay Example s main e-marketing tools are Search Engine Optimization (SEO) and social networking which are regarded as one of the best marketing strategies with high ROI indexes. They also participate on common platforms where several airlines club together to make their offers. However, many airlines are using such marketing tools and QA is not unique in its approach. The report describes QA’s B2B relation from both sell side and buy side. They provide online duty-free shopping which means they have partnered with the suppliers of these goods. They also partner with hotel chains as a means to enhance their customer service. QA is affiliating with other websites to promote its website in order to attract value adding suppliers to partner, which will then draw more customer visits. In analysis, QA’s website has a fresh and contemporary look and an easy to navigate web design. It was found that the website has a high degree of accessibility meeting all audiences’ needs and requirements. The links and information are neatly displayed on the home page and are neatly categorized. The colour theme matches its corporate identity. They also have a separate corporate section. The report found that QA not only allows booking, paying and printing e-tickets, but passengers can even check-online as much as 36 hours in advance. They can even decide on the class of travel depending on the seat comfort they are looking, again based on short or long flights. Online check-in demo is also available on the website for the first time users. Thus they seem to be exploiting the internet technology to its advantage. Based on the Analysis of QA’s application of internet technology, it is recommended that they have a currency converter on the website as they have people from all over globe booking through the website. As of now they have tied up only with 5 star chain hotels but they do have economy class passengers also who may book hotels of lower category if it is offered through QA’s
Tuesday, August 27, 2019
Summary3 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Summary3 - Essay Example In other words, the fear of losing is triggered by competition with others and the attachment to the value of an item. This is the kind of competition that is there in the society. There will always be competition between countries, groups, and individuals. However, it would be important for businesses and marketers to create a social environment which would encourage natural competitive instincts instead of forcing people to act of fear. The outcome of such an environment would be an increase in the level of the audience engagement, which will enhance the value of the products and services. It is not hard to create such social environment to ensure health competition (Maki). People should be allowed to form sub-groups where they can pursue different levels of interests. Open competitions helps everyone to participate and facilitate inter-user contact. Thus for any business or individual engaging in such kind of businesses where competition is involved, the best solution is to create a social environment that is conduce for the overall objectives of the business. Maki. Fear of Losing: Using Competitive Instincts to Your Advantage. (2008). Retrieved on 15th November 2014 from
Monday, August 26, 2019
The Transformational Grammar Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 4500 words
The Transformational Grammar - Essay Example Originally, transformational grammar and generative grammar was introduced by Zellig Harris. In the late 1951, he considered symbols to represent in the English sentences that are 'N' for Noun Phrase, 'V' for Verb, 'Vb' for copula verb, 'A' for adjective phrase and 'P' for particle. For surface structures, Harris later introduced Phrase Structure or PS rewrite system which is used to rewrite a symbol into a single or more than one symbols which are all selected from an alphabet. Therefore, following symbols came into view which restricts the English sentences: The above mentioned PS rewrite system is best known to be as an algorithmic machine. The first in the symbols is S which represent sentence, when activated, the symbol of S is carried out linked with the associated rules. After sometime, Harris realized that PS write systems is not sufficient enough so after 1950, he began to see the study of Gardiner and Hjelmslev including the observational data of linguistic theory which did not contained the isolated sentences. In 1952, finally he applied distributional method to the texts which extended the area of sentences. However, transformational grammar was revolutionize... Not starting from the minimal sounds, Chomsky began his work with syntactic combinations in which he analyzed that it can be generated by the means of a composite series of rules. In transformational grammar, each and every intelligible sentence not only conforms the grammatical rules to its own particular language but it also obey the rules for 'deep structures', a universal grammar that underlies the whole set of language plus corresponding to a natural capacity of the human mind (Farlex 2009). The newly found linguistics, which started in 1957, deserves a label of "revolutionary". In this way the word "grammar" took an innovative meaning to itself. This new linguistics classified grammar as instinctive or a subconscious capability to produces language which constituted with our human language. However, the main aim of this new linguistic was to describe this sort of internal grammar (Norquist, Richard 2009). Chomsky along with other linguists, who helped to build the theory of transformational grammar, created transformational rules which help to transform a sentence with a given grammatical formation within a sentence merging it with dissimilar grammatical formation which has the same meaning. For example, if the sentence would be "John say Mary" it will convert into "Mary was seen by Jonathan" (HighBeam 2009). According to Aronoff and Miller (2003), the initial work of Noam Chomsky largely illustrated insufficiency of context-free grammar for the study of natural languages as well as he provided explicit transformational descriptions of specific facts. Transformational grammarians, in 1960's, paid more attention to the connection amid the semantics and syntax which
Sunday, August 25, 2019
Democratic Theory Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
Democratic Theory - Essay Example Such a philosophy places a high value on the equality of individuals and would free people as far as possible from restraints not self-imposed. It insists that necessary restraints be imposed only by the consent of the majority and that they are conventional to the principle of equality. In Athens, the citizens participated directly in making their laws. The Greek system of government was perhaps closer to a true democracy or rule by the people than any other history. Their civilization was broken down to into small city-states, and all the men voted on all issues of government. It was almost a total democracy except for the fact that women and slaves were not considered citizens and were not allowed to vote. The Greek system of democracy was ruled by a body of nine elected officials whom they called archons. These men who were aristocrats lead the government and had supreme control over all of the decree and criminal accusations in Athens. Problems took place when aristocrats became jealous of one another and rivalries developed under the early stages of Athenian democracy. The democracy of Athens was used in many ways other than it was designed for. It was abused by many rulers of that time. They were concerned with their own personal growth and because of their greed and selfishness they made laws and codes that would benefit their own personal gain. Perhaps they didn't get everything quite right for their time and place but they got enough right and there was enough contract to change with changing circumstances so that their civilization with all its arts and sciences succeed for 200 years until events, in the form of Alexander the Great, overcame them. Democracy in Middle Ages Though democracy was not directly instituted in the Middle Ages, many democratic ideas were ubiquitous throughout the period. Because Christianity, which taught that men were created equal in the eyes of God, was deeply entrenched into the society of the middle ages, the democratic idea of equality was understood by many people. However, the middle ages utilized another form of government, which was developed during this period called feudalism. Feudalism stressed that all people have certain rights and developed a system of courts to defend these rights. From these courts came the modern day judicial branch of the American government along with many of the ideas such as king councils, assemblies and eventually parliamentary systems. Thomas Hobbes Theory One of Hobbes theory is the State of Nature. To establish these conclusions, Hobbes invites us to consider what life would be like in a state of nature, that is, a condition without government. Perhaps we would imagine that people might fare best in such a state, where each decides for himself how to act, and is judge, jury and executioner in his own case whenever disputes arise-- and that at any rate, this state is the appropriate baseline against which to judge the justifiability of political arrangements. Hobbes terms this situation "the condition of mere nature", a state of perfectly private judgment, in which there is no agency with recognized authority to arbitrate disputes and
Saturday, August 24, 2019
Finace Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Finace - Essay Example Moreover, by selling their stocks public, the company’s innovation sector might be affected (Hinchcliffe 25). With this, company will have a large management structure which could impair the level of innovation hence reduce the development of new products that are demanded by the users (Healey 13). On the other hand, the IPO will assist the company in acquiring more capital that could improve the level of innovation and improvement of the infrastructure which would therefore translate into better users’ services. The manner in which innovation will be unveiled by the company will could also change in order to protect the users from hackers. In addition, the IPO will imply that the company’s culture has to change (Healey 14). A public company has to adhere to the several regulations of the commission in terms of its management and the manner of operation. This will then affect service delivery to the users who might expect delays in launching new products or brands. By going public through the offering, face book will be in a position to become accountable to the users. A public company is obliged to make public their financial statements and their undertakings (Hinchcliffe 25). Users, whose expectations and rights are violated will therefore get the opportunity to seek remedy and would get the support of the regulators. In summary, face book IPO impacts on the users even though majority is not concerned with the potential outcome and impacts. The major impact will however be on the users’ privacy rights. An IPO enables a company to attract more capital that can be used for expansion or improvement of services and these would be felt by the consumers. Healey, Jon. "Facebook IPO Disappoints, to the Delight of Many -" Los Angeles Times - California, national and world news - N.p., n.d. Web. 20 May 2012.
Friday, August 23, 2019
Master Dissertation (strategic change in aircraft maintenance company)
Master (strategic change in aircraft maintenance company) - Dissertation Example To investigate the research question a combination of secondary and primary research methodology was used. The secondary data was obtained from the already published data and the primary data was obtained through questionnaires by conducting a survey. Total 137 employees of ADAT participated in the research study however, only 96 questionnaires appeared to be completely filled. The data has been analysed by using the descriptive statistical techniques. The findings of the research suggest that efficient services of aircraft maintenance companies require resources and technical expertise. It has been identified that employee turnover has been one of the major issues of the company which directly influenced the performance of the company as a result of strategic change. Therefore, to increase the performance company needs to adopt strategies that can help it to gain sustainable growth in the industry by increasing its ability to retain highly-qualified staff and reducing costs of recru itment and selection. Based on the analysis, a few recommendations have been also given to the company. Table of Contents Abstract 2 List of Figures 5 List of Tables 5 Introduction 6 Research Background 6 Organisation Profile: Abu Dhabi Aircraft Technologies (ADAT) 11 Research Aim 12 Research Objectives 13 Research Questions 14 Research Rationale 14 Research Significance 15 Research Limitations 15 Definition of Terms and Abbreviations 16 Structure of Dissertation 17 Literature Review 18 Aircraft Maintenance 18 Financial, Auditing and Pricing 29 Human Resource Management 32 Marketing and Communication 33 Conceptual Framework 35 Research Methodology 36 Overview ofn Research Questions 36 Overview of Literature Review 36 Research Design 38 Research Methods 38 Secondary Research 38 Primary Research 38 Data Collection Tool 39 Sampling 39 Data Collection Procedure 41 Validity 42 Ethical Considerations 42 Findings and Analysis 44 Findings of Secondary Research 44 Findings of Primary Researc h 51 Conclusion and Recommendations 60 Recommendations 63 Reference 65 Appendix 74 List of Figures Figure 1 Business environment of Aircraft Business 8 Figure 2 Facility Map 12 Figure 3 Conceptual Framework 35 Figure 4 Expenditure of the Emirates 46 Figure 5 Experience 51 Figure 6 Associated with particular zone 51 Figure 7 Respondents' Association Zones 52 Figure 8 Involvement of Respondents in Maintenance Activities 52 Figure 9 Number of People Working in Aircraft Zone 53 Figure 10 Percent of Technical People in Aircraft Zone 53 Figure 11 Ranking of Organization for Maintenance Services 54 Figure 12 Perception of Employees 55 Figure 13 Performance of the Organization 56 Figure 14 Role of Training 57 Figure 15 Overall efficiency of the organization can be Improved 58 Figure 16 To improve efficiency in the Present scenario 59 List of Tables Table 1 Employee Turnover from 2008-2010 47 Table 2 Turnover Ratio 2008-2010 49 Table 3 Total Employee Replacement cost from 2008 -2010 50 Intro duction Research Background The global airline industry has net value of $467 billion which is expected to reach nearly $609 billion by 2013. The growth in the airline industry was nearly 30.4% in 2008 and growth in the global airline market was 1.8% by volume. It is expected to increase by 23.6% of the volume till 2013. There are tremendous changes observed in various factors of airline industry. Due to
Steve Job's success and his (responsibilities) as a leader for do Assignment
Steve Job's success and his (responsibilities) as a leader for do changes to face the external environment changes - Assignment Example For example, when he became the Apple CEO, the company started manufacturing an unsystematic assortment of computers and peripherals. However, through his leadership, Jobs cut down the production of a myriad of products and instead urged his team to focus on making only four computers, and this was a success (Emerald, 2002). As a transformational leader, Steve Jobs took his responsibility from the end to end. In particular, he not only created a new vision for the company but was also involved in institutionalizing the change (Eisenbach, Watson & Pillai, 1999). He knew that in order to gain simplicity in Apple devices was to ensure a seamless integration of the hardware, software and other peripheral parts (Isaacson, 2012). Consequently, he was involved in fulfilling this in the Apple products that were produced. In a nutshell, Steve Jobs provided a clear responsibility and priorities with extensive communication and freedom to improvise. He experimented with ideas and also linked his projects to the future with predictable intervals (McKnight, 2013). Steve Jobs was able to change the culture of Apple from being quantity focused on quality focused. In particular, he was able to create a small manageable product portfolio that ended up attracting huge revenues for the company. In the first place, he recognized the need for change in the way things were done at Apple. The recognition came from the fact that Apple was having declining sales figures and posting poor financial results. Consequently, he provided a vision of the company’s future about the need to turn things around and make Apple profitable (Schein, 1996). Upon communication of his vision for the company, Jobs began seeking for solutions from members who agreed on reducing the company’s product portfolio and concentrating on improving quality of the remaining products. The reduction also meant to lay off of workers to manageable levels
Thursday, August 22, 2019
Botanical gardens Essay Example for Free
Botanical gardens Essay Last summer, my two friends rekindled an idea we had for a long time of going for a short excursion to a nearby lake where we would camp for three days. First we informed our parents of our intentions which they supported without any objection. We intended to use this opportunity to help in bonding our relationship even more. After this approval, we did a good budget of all the things that we required for the three days of our camping. After drawing the budget, we sourced for the required money most of which came from our pocket savings with a little help from our parents. We chose to set our camping dates within a weekend as these are the days when most of us had free time. After an informative consultation, we also found out that the camp is only open during the weekends so as to give the camping ground vegetation enough time to regenerate. When the day came, we all set off during the morning so that we could get to our destination in time. This also gave us an opportunity to select the best site to set our camps before other people could take up the available sites. After setting our tents, we embarked on a trip along the shores of the lake and the adjacent flower and botanical gardens. We spent the second day canoeing and swimming as well as participating in some of conservational activities that are a mandatory practice for every camper. By the dawn of the third day, we could not believe that the day had come for us to pack our belongings and head back home. The camping experience proved to be a worthy exercise by providing a refreshing moment in our life.
Wednesday, August 21, 2019
Relationship Between Firm Resources And Performance Commerce Essay
Relationship Between Firm Resources And Performance Commerce Essay Many researchers have point out that the relationship between firms resources and performance are always the crucial area of interest in strategic management (Barney, 1991; Peteraf, 1993; Wernerfelt, 1984). Resource-based view (RBV) highlights the internal environment of the firm in crafting strategy to accomplish a sustainable competitive advantage in it. Consequently, RBV can be consider as the best strategy route in the development of a firms strategy. However, the relationship among strategic resource and firm performance may be quite complex and need to be examine, there is also many different factors that can influence the relationship. In fact, there is no one best strategy that will suits all situation for a firm. Moreover, RBV also been compared to others strategy development methods like Porters industry analysis. Based on this assignment, we will be focus on the contention that RBV analysis has a strong relationship with firms performance especially in achieving a sustaina ble competitive advantage for certain industry only. Resource in RBV can be defined in an extremely board way. For instance, Wernerfelt (1984) comprises all strengths and weaknesses of a firm. Concepts like dynamic capabilities (Barney et al, 2001), entrepreneurship (Alvarez and Busenitz, 2001) and management (Barney, 1994; Mahoney, 1995) are usually regarded as strategic resources. Similarly, RBV also has been defined as stocks of available factors that are owned and controlled by the firm, these factors can be classified into physical, reputational, organizational, financial, human intellectual and technological, which are transformed into final products or services efficiently and effectively (Amit and Schoemaker, 1993; Capron and Hulland, 1999). As we know, resources are exploited by people, not by themselves. Human beings have differ considerably concerning to the sorts of skills they have, also their degree of skilfulness and their intelligence to view opportunities (Eisenhardt and Martin, 2000). According to Brown et al. (2001), in order to develop entrepreneurial performance within the firm, managers must inspire the coordination of key resources, allow flexibility, encourage members to search for opportunity and rewarding them for pursuing new opportunities in order for it to prosperous. Besides, RBV assists management to create a culture where there is valid and value for new knowledge by encouraging the perplex process of recombining existing knowledge with new knowledge (Prahalad, 1998; Shih-Wei, 2005; Montalvo, 2006). RBV can be treat as the best strategy route in the development of a firm strategy, because RBV analyze and explain resources of the firms to grasp how organizations accomplish sustainable competitive advantage. In addition, RBV centralize on the concept of hardly to imitate attributes as sources of higher performance and competitive advantage for the organization (Barney, 1986; Hamel and Prahalad, 1996). In the same manner, resources are hardly to be transferred and acquired, that need a lengthen learning curve or a major modify in the organization climate and culture, hence more difficult to duplicate by rivals because of a range of isolating mechanisms and very likely to be unique to the organization (Rumelt, 1984; Mahoney and Pandian, 1992; Peteraf, 1993; Hoopes et al., 2003). Based on Conner (1991), performance variation between organizations depends on its possession of unique inputs and capabilities. For example, Honda following RBV strategy, built its company strategy around t he firms strength, capability and expertise in building petrol based engines, at last the company utilize it unique resource and capabilities to build a world class petrol based engines and became the largest engine manufacturer in the world. Firm must possess valuable resources in order to build resource-based advantages. For the purpose to outperform with competitors, many RBV researchers assert that organizations must exploit the resources that they possess. An organizations succeed or fail in the marketplace is depend on the particular perspective on an inside-out view of firm from RBV (Dicksen, 1996). According to Barney (1986) valuable resource must enable a firm to function and behave in ways that lead to high sales, low costs, high margins, or in others ways add financial value to the firm. A firms ability to innovate successful is also a factor of unique capability which is sustainable and appropriable. For example, an innovative products such as Apples iTunes and iPod. The companys first class innovation in product design and practicality is proving not an easily act for rivals to copy. Apple avoid to sit back complacently, although the company maintain at the front position of the digital media with its iPod an d iTunes online stores. In 2007, Apple introduce of its iPhone and entered into the mobile phone market, this continuous innovation and product creation keeps rivals such as Sony, Samsung guessing about what products Apple will bring out in the future and provides a factor of outperform as rivals struggle to substitute their achievement. In other words, strategic resources are also concerns on non-monetary factors such as knowledge based, human resource management activities on their customer service department to result in a competitive advantage. . To obtain a competitive advantages over the others is easy, however to achieve a sustainable competitive advantage is rather hard. Way to maintain sustainable competitive advantages for sustained superior performance, firms must be unique and core competencies and resources that are valuable, rare, imperfectly imitable and non-substitutable (Barney, 1991) as well as visualize of value-creating ways to exploit them. Intangible resources such as intellectual, technological resources are more appropriate than tangible resources which are human, financial resources to generate competitive advantage (Hitt, Bierman, Shimizu and Kochhar, 2001). Particularly, intangible resources like knowledge allow firms to add up value to incoming sources of production (Hitt et al., 2001). It indicates firms achieve competitive advantage (Prahalad and Hamel, 1990; Collis and Montgomery,1995; Post,1997; Markides,1997; Bogner,Thomas and McGee,1999). Such resource is built over time and difficult to be imita ted and is valuable. For instance, Tesco, Sainsburys and Asda all compete in the same environment, yet Tesco is a superior performer. It is not the environment that distinguishes between them but their internal strategic capabilities. It is difficult for one organization to obtain or copy the capabilities of another. Like Sainsburys cannot readily obtain the whole Tescos retail sites its management or its experience. As a result, Tesco is achieving a sustainable competitive advantage. On the other hand, firm must develop one or two value creating activities to some extent that creates more general value than rivals do to attain competitive advantage. Porter (1985) point out two generic strategy, the first is lower cost strategy, to reduce activity cost by lowering the cost of the inputs than rivals, while retaining average quality and prices. Secondly is differentiation, to induce customers willingness to pay an above-average price, including value of the ancillary service or the im age of the product. Managers who carrying a general knowledge of their rivals activity sets can apply this information to analyze their position relative to its rivals (Ghemawat, 2006; Porter, 1985, 1991). Besides, Porter (1985) also identified the value chain framework to help managers in understanding, enhancing and executing a lower costs or differentiation strategy. The value chain can be defined as a general activity model that is used to decompose the firm into the single activities it manages to form value for the consumer. In conclusion, both activity-based and RBVs complement each other and share an objective of discovering and exploiting factors that lead to higher competitive performance Even though the RBVs principle for a firm is to achieve and sustain a competitive advantage by exploiting valuable, rare, inimitable and non-substitutable resources is instinctive and theoretically satisfying, it is essential to recognize that value, rare, inimitability and non-substitutable are not completely invariables. In fact, facing of radical, volatile changes in the environment, value, rare, inimitability and non-substitutability are very considerably over time. In other words, RBV state have their fall like in the valuable attribute, the need for planning and investment to develop such resources are external factors, which means the RBV may overstate the profitability of firms by exploiting these resources, because the cost of acquisition and accumulation had been avoided. As a result, it is difficult for the RBV to tell why firms invest in such a valuable resource instead of in other type of resources. Moreover, if the organizations want to increase their profit from the re sources they possess, they have to think over the demand side attributes that effect on the final price of the product. Furthermore, in the concept of rareness resource, it does not essentially attain the competitive advantage of the firm, in spite of the resource produce a great rent due to its relative shortage. Rents can be defined as the prices of services yielded by resources (Lewin and Phelan, 2002). Regardless of the rents are rare or not, in this stage rent is nothing more than the rental price of the service of the resource. There are no any profit has been earn to the firm, after paying remuneration to all the factors of production (Demsetz, 1973; Barney, 1986a; Rumelt, 1987). However, the firm may grasps some part of the rent from the possessor of resources, if the firm is gaining any profit left from the resource. Member or staff who have capabilities such as knowledge based will have benefits of bargaining power, hence being able to appropriate extra rent. Barney (1991) point out that the strategic resource possess rareness, inimitable and non-substitutable criteria may be independent of the firm, but when the belief of the heterogeneous distribution of resources is taken into account it is not easily to visualize that the resource given by the value is similar for all firms. For instance, intangible resources such as innovative capability or diverse production capabilities have been recognized as essential strategic resources and are extremely dependent of other resources in order to act properly. On the other hand, some resources might prevent firms from operating higher performance. For example, a Formula One engineer might be a key resource for a sports car manufacturer due to his ability to built high-performance engines, while car companies with key resources in the aspects of an image for safety or high environmental standards might not be suitable to gain advantage from possessing such capabilities. These examples result the complication o f resource interactions (Smith et al., 1996) and also the value of resource is different among companies. Conclusion According to Barney (1991), Mahoney and Pandian (1992), Porter (1991), they agree that both internal and external factors must be taken into account when analyzing firm performance. For example, if a firm is able to acquire a key resource, it often require a diversification in the product market (Anderse ´n, 2007a). The result of such a diversification is to a great extent dependent on the organizations prior market experience or market that relevant to existing product lines (Pehrsson, 2004). In consequence, if a firm is not able to use its product effectively in the appropriate product market, the product will not benefit from these resources even though the company possess with superior production skills and great valuation. Therefore, firms can actually fail to attain higher performance while posses several strategic resources, if the marketing capability are poor. In conclusion, both internal and external environment are complement to each other in achieving a sustainable comp etitive advantage for a firm. (1863 words) Bibliography List Andersen, J. (2011) Strategic resources and firm performance Management Decision Journal. 49, 87-98. Johnson, G., Scholes, K. and Whittington, R. (ed.) (2008) Exploring Corporate Strategy: Text and Cases. 8th ed. London: Prentice Hall. Newbert, S. L.,Gopalakrishnan, S., Kirchhoff, B. A. 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Tuesday, August 20, 2019
Rhetorical Textual Analysis of Attending to the Word
Rhetorical Textual Analysis of Attending to the Word Deidre Mahoney has been leaving pencil marks in books for years (398). She leaves comments and questions to material within the reading. Shell also mark important or meaningful words. It has helped her increase her awareness and be able to comprehend whatever she is reading at the time (398). She states the only way to read a book is to glide a pencil across the page (397). Why does this leave her classroom in a shock? As she teaches her students, she realizes there is something wrong with the school system because her students dont want to write inside their books (397). Students have been conditioned in elementary and high school to not write inside books that dont belong to them. Mahoney fears this restricts them from enhancing brain development and increasing awareness (400). In Deirdre Mahoneys article Attending to the Word, she argues her students cant comprehend intensive thinking while reading due to lack of pencil in hand to take notes (397). Throughout Mahoneys article, she uses a variety of rhetorical tools that support her argument. She uses a qualifier when she states why the students behave the way they do about writing in books (397). She understands the way theyve been conditioned and doesnt necessarily disapprove of their lack of penciling (399). It is a fact that students are told to not write in their books or textbooks during school. They have become accustomed to that rule. Once they realize that the rule doesnt apply, they dont know how to do something different. Writing in a book after not doing so for years is a big change, and many people dont handle change well. Mahoney uses the rhetorical tool of description throughout her entire article. She describes her worries, expectations, and the wishes she has for her students. In Mahoneys article, she uses first person point of view which helps her readers relate. Her article comes from personal experience; therefore, her audience will be more interested in reading. She writes in an easy-to-understand manner. She gets her point across and lets readers flow along with her as she talks. Mahoneys introduction is the strong suit of her article. It draws her audience in by using a general topic sentence. She doesnt give much detail right away, leaving her audience wanting more. Mahoney engages the opposing positions by ending her introduction with a question and then an answer to her question. The statement makes her oppositions want more information to argue against and to see why she believes the way she does. Mahoneys voice is seen in this article when she narrates her reasoning behind scribbling all over a books page (398). She voices personal experience and beliefs, which makes this article so empowering. She demonstrates the good, and little bad there is, throughout this piece. Within her voice, she uses contextual elements such as cultural context. She understands what students become accustomed to at a certain age (397). The major subtext she uses happens to be her voice. An opinion is strong because it is the only power a human truly has. Mahoney takes advantage of that throughout her article and persuades her audience to lean towards her side. Mahoney used many extra elements in her article. She used facts and appropriate language to operate through her article. Her facts, opinion, and language intensify her idea by drawing the attention she wants and then continuing to keep the reader engaged. Diedre Mahoneys context is shaped well because she clung to her topic throughout the entire article. Any ideas or points she brought in didnt stray away from the purpose of her writing. The context shapes the subtext in a way as well. The topic Mahoney chose to write about is a debatable, yet easy topic to understand. Putting together a subtext about such a topic comes easy. Mahoney seems to understand there are opposing opinions and she reacts to them well in her article. She is sure to see both sides and quickly come up with a response to anything one might say. Mahoney critically thought out her article and the elements she used within the piece. She could argue why students cant comprehend intensive thinking reading without a pencil in hand (398). She uses a strong voice, a strong topic, rhetorical tools, and writing elements to support her purpose and make her argument strong. Diedre Mahoney has successfully educated and informed her audience on the importance, or lack thereof, gracing a pencil along the page as it is read. Works Cited Mahoney, Dierdre. Attending to the Word. The Composition of Everyday Life. Ed. John Mauk and John Metz. Cengage Learning, 2016.
Monday, August 19, 2019
Cold War Essay -- essays research papers
What was the Cold War and what events caused it? Cold War is the term used to describe the intense rivalry that developed after World War II between groups of Communist and non-Communist nations. On one side were the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (U.S.S.R.) and its communist allies that referred to as the Eastern bloc. On the other side were the United Staes and its democratic allies, usually referred to as the Western bloc. Cold War was characterized by mutual distrust, suspicion, and misunderstandings by both the United States and the Soviet Union, and their allies. The United States accused the Soviet Union of seeking to expand Communism throughout the world. The Soviets charged the United States with practicing imperialism and with attempting to stop revolutionary activity in other countries. Each bloc’s vision of the world also contributed to East-West tension. The United States wanted a world of independent nations based on democratic principles. The Soviet Union attempted to control areas it considered vital to its national interest, including much of Eastern Europe.      The Yalta Conference is often cited as the beginning of the Cold War. During the seven days of February 4 – 11, 1945, the Big Three – Franklin Roosevelt, Winston Churchill, and Josef Stalin – met in Crimea at the Lavidia Palace on the Black Sea. The main purpose of Yalta was the re-establishement of the nationas conquered and destroyed Germany. Poland was given back it...
Sunday, August 18, 2019
Mending the Relationship of Two Brothers in James Baldwins Sonnys Blu
Mending the Relationship of Two Brothers in James Baldwin's Sonny's Blues According to Liukkonen, James Baldwin is well known for his "novels on sexual and personal identity, and sharp essays on civil-rights struggle in the United States." "Sonny's Blues" is no exception to this. The story takes place in Harlem, New York in the 1950's and tells of the relationship between two brothers. The older brother, who is the narrator and a participant in the novel, remains unnamed throughout the story. The novel is about the struggles, failures and successes of these two African American brothers growing up in the intercity as a minority. The encounters that the narrator and his brother, Sonny, have throughout the story exemplify Baldwin's theme of personal accountability and ethical criticism. The older brother, the narrator, finds himself struggling at the beginning of the story. While riding the subway, he reads in the paper that Sonny has been arrested for possession of drugs. During his day of teaching, he reflects on prior years with Sonny and their past adventures as young boys. He remembers Sonny's "wonderfully direct brown eyes, and great gentleness and privacy." The narrator sees his brother as a good boy, not "hard or evil or disrespectful." He wonders how many of his algebra students are similar to Sonny in appearance and personality along with his drug habits. This comparison allows the older brother to conclude that Sonny was probably not arrested on his initial use of drugs. It also allows the narrator is see that Sonny may be like most of the other young boys in Harlem. As the narrator makes his way to the courtyard heading home from school, a "friend" of Sonny's, another drug-user, approaches him. The narrator ... ...the narrator and all people a way of finding meaning in their pains and joys. The two brothers again can live in brotherhood and harmony. Works Cited Finnessy, Patrick. James Baldwin. 2004. Biographies. University of Illinois at Chicago: Office of Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, Transgender, and Heterosexual Concerns (OGLBTC). 26 Apr 2004. James Baldwin. 2004. American Masters. PBS. 23 Apr 2004. Liukkonen, Petri. James (Arthur) Baldwin Books and Authors. 2002. 20 April 2004. Magill, Frank N. ed. Masterplots II: Short Story Series. Vol 5 Pru-Ter. California: Salem Press, Inc. 1986. Sipiora, Phillip. Reading and Writing about Literature. Upper Saddle River: Prentice Hall, 2002. Wilson, Kathleen, ed. Short Stories for Students: Presenting Analysis, Context and Criticism on Commonly Studied Short Stories. Vol 2. Michigan: Gale Research, 1997.
The Status of Women in the Work Force After the Fall of Communism in Ea
The Status of Women in the Work Force After the Fall of Communism in Eastern Europe The fall of communism in Eastern Europe and the former Soviet Union marked the end of an era in which official ideology and state policy often masked the reality of citizens' lives. This contradiction was particularly acute for women, a group that the Soviet model of communism was intended to emancipate (Basu, 1995; Bystydzienski, 1992; Corrin, 1992; Einhorn, 1993; Millarand and Wolchik, 1994; Nelson and Chowdhury, 1994; Rueshchemeyer, 1994). Under the guise of Marxist-Leninist ideology, women were accorded an equal right to work and to participate in the building of socialism. The Soviet model, which was imposed to a greater or lesser extent on all of the Eastern European countries, was meant to embody this precept. In order to mobilize women into the work force, the party-state provided numerous social programs--free day care, subsidized school supplies and clothing, guaranteed maternity leave, and nearly full employment. Women, however, were hardly emancipated through these programs. They were concentrated, with a few notable exceptions, in a "pink collar ghetto" of low wage and low prestige jobs and often given employment well below their educational qualifications. Moreover, the "emancipation" accorded them by state officials resulted in an extreme "double burden" (Basu, 1995; Bystydzienski, 1992; Corrin, 1992; Einhorn, 1993; Millarand and Wolchik, 1994; Nelson and Chowdhury, 1994; Rueschemeyer, 1994). They were expected to perform both paid and domestic labor, fulfilling most (or all) of the household and parenting duties without modern conveniences. These superwomen worked full-time jobs and then came home to prepare meals and clean... ... Lijphart, Arend. "Comparative Politics and the Comparative Method." American Political Science Review. 65 (1971): 682-693. Millarand, James and Wolchik, Sharon, eds. The Social Legacy of Communism. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1994. Nelson, Barbara and Chowdhury, Najma, eds. Women and Politics Worldwide. New Haven: Yale University Press, 1994. Przeworski, Adam and (?) Teune. The Logic of Comparative Social Inquiry. New York: John Wiley Sons, 1970. Rueschemeyer, Marilyn, ed. Women in the Politics of Post-communist Eastern Europe. New York: M.E. Sharpe, Inc.,1994 Scheppele, Kim Lane. "Women's Rights in Eastern Europe." East European Constitutional Review. Winter 1995. Slay, Ben. "Rapid versus Gradual Economic Transition" Economics. August 1994. United Nations Statistical Yearbook, 39th Edition. 1994. "Statistical Abstract" 1994.
Saturday, August 17, 2019
Intolerance from The Crucible Essay
Ayn Rand once said â€Å"A single lie destroys a whole reputation of integrity. It means that a lie sadly has enough power to cause corruption in a society. It also suggests that a lie perhaps be strong enough to destroy even a high ranking person from a society. If you tolerate lies dominating people around you, you’ll eventually be a victim of them. Two literature works that explain this quote are Author Miller’s play, The Crucible, which takes place in a Puritan town named Salem in the state of Massachusetts during the year of 1692. The Crucible shows how intolerance corrupts the town. And Maurice Ogden’s Poem, â€Å"The Hangman,†which takes place in an unnamed town. â€Å"The Hangman†shows how the ignorance of the townsfolk gives a pathway to the Hangman which enabled to execute every single one of the townsfolk on his gallows-tree. Meanwhile intolerance also takes place in â€Å"The Hangman†which makes the Hangman has no mercy for people who questioning him. Both literatures works The Crucible and â€Å"The Hangman†have Intolerance as one of the main themes in common. Intolerance takes place in â€Å"The Hangman†. The Hangman gives the townsfolk a severe test, which is the hang trial and see how the townsfolk will address it. The Hangman nervously arrives in the reader’s unnamed town, and built his frame. The town folks are wondering who the criminal is and what the crimes are. On the very first day he hanged a man who came from another land. The townsfolk who gathered in the courthouse square, leaves without saying anything because they don’t care for the foreigner. The townsfolk believed that the frame would be gone by the next day, but it didn’t because they neglected the first hanging. Now the Hangman doesn’t even bother to do so, because the townsfolk showed him they don’t really care. For the reason of that, the townsfolk become such easy targets for the hangman, because of his intolerant attitude. And we wondered, whenever we had the time, Who the criminal, what the crime That the Hangman judged with the yellow twist of knotted hemp in his busy fist. And he stepped down, and laid his hand on a man who came from another land. And we breathed again, for another’s grief At the Hangman’s hand was our relief Maurice Ogden Later on The Hangman executed an infidel Jew, then a dark skin one, both lived in the town. The Hangman’s intolerant personality combined with the townsfolk ignorance lead the hangman to executing the townsfolk in a large amount, which happens clearly because of ignorance. Those who wander why were hanged. This causes the town’s residents to become fearful. Then more and more were hanging. Finally even the speaker of the poem was hanged because of his ignorant personality. This means anyone who neglect either a party or someone dominate them will eventually suffer of it. The presence of intolerance in â€Å"The Hangman†is something that the town’s resident should be motivated to take away from the Hangman, unfortunately they was unable to do that cause of their fears and the Hangman’s intolerant test. â€Å"Dead!†I answered, and amiably â€Å"Murdered,†the Hangman corrected me. â€Å"First the alien then the Jew. I did no more than you let me do.†Beneath the beam that blocked the sky none before stood so alone as I. The Hangman then strapped me†¦with no voice there to cry â€Å"Stay!†for me in the empty square. Maurice Ogden Intolerance takes place in The Crucible It all began with a Negro slave named Tituba, combined with a group of daft girls goes dancing in the forest. In a Puritan town, anything that’s look unfamiliar to the Bible consider as something against it. While dancing in the forest, the girls ironically caught, by the town’s minister, Reverend Parris. On the following morning both Parris’s and the Putnam’s daughter were unable to wake up. The Villagers gathers at the minister’s house and quickly witchcraft rumor invade the town. Abigail what was a part of the girls dancing and who is Parris’s niece, warns the others girls to not to admit what they were doing in the forest. She even menace them she could kill them if they do so. Parris is paranoid; he believes that his congregation should not lift a finger without his permission when church is in motion. He thinks of nothing to do but to put his slave under pressure, because he think that Totuba might do witchcraft on his daughter, Tituba says to Parris â€Å"My Betty be hearty soon.†(Miller 8) This quotation shows that Intolerance has taken place in The Crucible Because Parris is don’t want his daughter to die, questioning and punishing Tituba is a good way to be aware of what actually happened in the forest. Another way in which intolerance has taken place in The Crucible is when Tituba fearfully accuses several town folks of reading the devil book. Abigail joins her revealing that she has seen many women with the devil. Betty and the other girls joining them as well, and they start pointing their finger on people. Abigail says â€Å"I want to open myself. I want the light of God, I want the sweet love of Jesus! I kiss his hand. I saw Good with the Devil! I saw Goody Osborn with the devil! I saw Bishop with the Devil.†(Miller 48) This quotation tells that she is showing the villagers that she want to be a better Puritan, she want to show the authorities that she is not a witch indeed she is. All of her accusers were hanged by the end of the story, Except Sarah Good who confessed right away. The fact that they hanged the accusers shows zero tolerance for witchcraft, they hanged the accusers because a puritan society does not tolerate witchcraft and that morality is obviously tradi tional. Another way in which intolerance has taking place in The Crucible is when Abigail who had an affair with John Proctor profits the witch trial occasion to accuse John’s wife of witchcraft so she could win it all. When Elizabeth name had been called in court john reveal that He had an affair with Abigail to test John’s claim judge Danforth approached Elizabeth and ask her if Proctor had been unfaithful to her, she lies to Proctor’s honor and judge Danforth denounces Proctor as a liar. Abigail herself forced Proctor’s servant to accuse him of being a witch, and she who is already afraid of her does so. Proctor says to Mary Warren â€Å"Do that which is good and, no harm shall come to thee.†(Miller 95) This quotation shows how Proctor is praying his servant to tell the truth; although she has great conscious she doesn’t do so because she is afraid that Abigail can attack her in her sleep. Proctor is rages not only against the court but also her, and now proctor is arrested. This suggest intolerance because, if intolerance wasn’t present they would have listen to Proctor’s argument too which have great integrity in the town, but because of intolerance they’ll hang him as any other accusers if he do not confess of witchcraft. In brief, both the poem, and the play speaks of intolerance, although â€Å"The Hangman†is mostly based on ignorance. It’s clearly has shown by the beginning of the poem that the townsfolk shows that they would not tolerate the Hangman to kill anybody in the town, but furthermore they ignore the Hangman, which they shouldn’t do because the greatest ignorance is to reject something you don’t know. They play, The Crucible shows that Salem won’t corrupt if there was tolerance, unfortunately it does, and later on the Judges discovered that they weren’t doing the correct thing but it was way too late due to the number on people died.
Friday, August 16, 2019
Banksy-Graffiti Art Essay
The life of the street artist is, by necessity, one of anonymity. In many of the world’s cities, the most noticeable and breathtaking pieces of art aren’t created by world-renowned talents. They are created by the unknown street artist under cover of darkness. We never see them and they are known only by their tagging pseudonyms. Banksy is a British graffiti artist, political activist, film director, and painter. It has been said, Banksy â€Å"was born in 1974 and raised in Bristol, England. The son of a photocopier technician, he trained as a butcher but became graffiti artist. Style Banksy began as a freehand graffiti artist in 1990–1994 as one of Bristol’s DryBreadZ Crew (DBZ). He was inspired by local artists and his work was part of the larger Bristol underground scene. From the start he used stencils as elements of his freehand pieces, too. By 2000 he had turned to the art of stencilling after realising how much less time it took to complete a piece. He claims he changed to stenciling while he was hiding from the police under a rubbish lorry, when he noticed the stenciled serial number. Banksy’s stencils feature striking and humorous images occasionally combined with slogans. Subjects often include rats, apes, policemen, soldiers, children, and the elderly. Asked about his technique, Banksy said: I use whatever it takes. Sometimes that just means drawing a moustache on a girl’s face on some billboard, sometimes that means sweating for days over an intricate drawing. Efficiency is the key. Stencils are traditionally hand drawn or printed onto sheets of acetate or card, before being cut out by hand. Because of the secretive nature of Banksy’s work and identity, it is uncertain what techniques he uses to generate the images in his stencils, though it is assumed he uses computers for some images due to the photocopy nature of much of his work. He mentions in his book, Wall and Piece, that as he was starting to do graffiti, he was always too slow and was either caught or could never finish the art in one sitting. So he devised a series of intricate stencils to minimize time and overlapping of the colour. Banksy once characterised graffiti as a form of underclass â€Å"revenge†, or guerilla warfare that allows an individual to snatch away power, territory and glory from a bigger and better equipped enemy. Banksy sees a social class component to this struggle, remarking â€Å"If you don’t own a train company then you go and paint on one instead. †Banksy’s work has also shown a desire to mock centralized power, hoping that his work will show the public that although power does exist and works against you, that power is not terribly efficient and it can and should be deceived. Banksy’s works have dealt with an array of political and social themes, including anti-War, anti-capitalism, anti-fascism, anti-imperialism, anti-authoritarianism, anarchism, nihilism, and existentialism. Additionally, the components of the human condition that his works commonly critique are greed, poverty, hypocrisy, boredom, despair, absurdity, and alienation. Although Banksy’s works usually rely on visual imagery and iconography to put forth his message, he has made several politically related comments in his various books.
Thursday, August 15, 2019
Macbeth Scene Analysis
Shakespeare's Macbeth is one of the most well recognised tragedies written by the world-renowned playwright. It tells the tragic tale of Macbeth, a Thane in Scotland. Some of the many themes illustrated in the play include ambition, fate and deception. Three witches decide to confront the great Scottish general Macbeth on his victorious return from a war between Scotland and Norway. After receiving predictions of greatness from the witches, Macbeth plots to commit treason and murder King Duncan, ruler of Scotland. When the murder is successful the heirs to the throne flee to England, leaving Macbeth next in line. Once crowned, Macbeth becomes increasingly delusional in addition to an extreme paranoia, leading to his eventual downfall. During Act 3 Scene 4 there are many different themes, which are important in portraying the true character of Macbeth. It is a vital part of the lead up to the turnover point of the text, Act 4 Scene 1, which is known as the ‘middle' of the play. Act 3 Scene 4 is a prominent scene in demonstrating the play's overall themes including how supernatural and superstitious themes affect human behaviour and how power can lead to many forms of corruption. In this scene, Macbeth hosts a feast in honour of Banquo, who Macbeth has plotted to kill. While making the toast, Macbeth sees the ghost of Banquo. Lady Macbeth attempts to mask the situation with false excuses for Macbeth's sudden burst of madness. Shakespeare uses this scene as a tool to represent the character development of Macbeth and uses visual imagery to illustrate the key messages. Act 3 Scene 4 occurs mid-way through the play subsequent to the murders of King Duncan and Banquo. The scene focuses on the character of Macbeth, as it is discovered he is seeing the ghost of Banquo, who he ordered to be killed prior to this event. Lady Macbeth is also involved as she tries to calm her husband and reassure the guests. She does this as she feels people will begin to be suspicious about him if exposed to displays of his insane behaviour. ‘Sit, worthy friends. My lord is often thus, and hath been from his youth. Pray you, keep seat'. After Macbeth's display of madness ‘thou canst not say I did it; never shake thy glory locks at me!' Lady Macbeth ushers the guests from the banquet without any of the formality seen at the beginning, and attempts to comfort Macbeth once they are alone. The scene contributes to the play in that it shows Macbeth's progression as a character. The growing thirst for power that Macbeth has possessed since first encountering the witc hes is beginning to cause his own personal corruption, and causes the audience to question his sanity. This scene proves to be the third instance within the play in which Macbeth sees something paranormal. After his experiences with the witches and then the floating dagger, it is debated by the audience as to whether Macbeth is seeing things that are not really there. This relates to one of the central themes, how superstition affects human behaviour. The question of whether Macbeth is truly seeing these things or whether he is beginning to become driven insane by power thickens the plot of the text. This scene is also crucial in showing Macbeth's overall progression as a character throughout the play. At the beginning of the play Macbeth's reluctance to commit murder against King Duncan is evident, and we can see that he is ultimately under the control of Lady Macbeth. As we have progressed to the mid section of the play, we can see that Macbeth has become increasingly power-hungry, instigating the murder of Banquo. This displays the growth of Macbeth's paranoia, which is illustrated by the appearance of the ghost, which only he can see. This scene includes a main factor, that the boundaries between reality and the supernatural become blurred as Macbeth encounters the ghost of Banquo on two separate occasions. The audience is subjected to various encounters with the mysterious, and causes sceptical thoughts as to whether any of these have in fact been reality. There are multiple outcomes that the audience can grasp from viewing the actions of Macbeth in this scene. Firstly, they may gain the idea that Macbeth is imagining the ghost of Banquo purely because of the guilt of being behind his and Duncan's murders †tis better thee without, than he within. Is he dispatch'd?' Secondly the audience may believe that the ghost of Banquo is another element of the supernatural; something which they had been exposed to earlier in the instances of the witches and the floating dagger. The author has purposefully presented the text in a way that the understanding of the audience may differ, which adds to the mystery of the sup ernatural aspect within the play. Shakespeare uses visual imagery to describe certain instances within the scene and to add significance to certain points. This includes the Macbeth's description of Banquo's ghost, ‘thy bones are marrowless, thy blood is cold; thou has no speculation in those eye which thou dost glare with.' Macbeth is a play and movie, which expresses many different themes. Shakespeare utilises language and manipulates the plot to portray the actions of the text and cause the audience to form opinions on the boundaries between the supernatural and reality. In Act 3 Scene 4 it is clear that Shakespeare is showing the character development of Macbeth, and also introduces another example of the supernatural. Macbeth uses visual imagery and poetic language to capture the emotion and significance of the scene in contribution to the play.
Wednesday, August 14, 2019
Analysis of short stories by Thomas Hardy Essay
Thomas Hardy was born in 1840 and died in his late eighties. As a child Thomas Hardy spent most of his time in a small village near the edge of a wild moor land, which he called Egdon Heath in his stories. Hardy’s early years were spent at home in front of a warm fire with his grandmother and parents telling him stories about the neighbourhood that they had lived in for generations. Hardy’s â€Å"Wessex tales†and many other stories were all based on what he had seen through out his life and named his surroundings with what he wanted such as the nearest town, Dorchester, was changed to Casterbridge. Thomas Hardy created â€Å"Wessex†, and his short stories, like â€Å"Wessex Tales†. Wessex is based on a real worldly environment, an area in the South West of England that in real life includes counties such as Dorset, Somerset, Oxfordshire and Devon. In the days before televisions and films and in countries where many could not read, people still loved stories. Instead of seeing or reading them they heard them. People told each other stories and gossiped about what is happening around the neighbourhood, which was very small at the time. Since â€Å"The Superstitious mans story†is written in an anecdotal style it connects with how people used to gossip. At the beginning of â€Å"The Superstitious mans story†the words, â€Å"as you may know†are used giving readers an instant clue that this story is anecdotal. By using this anecdotal style Hardy immediately captures the reader’s attention by making them feel part the story. Hardy takes particular care to establish this style and uses dialect words to add authenticity such as, â€Å"he came near ‘ee;†and â€Å"who told me o’t,†. The text is written in the 3rd person, which gives the sense of a speaking voice with the narrator telling a past event to someone else about ‘William Privett’. â€Å"The Superstitious mans story†is set around l891, which was when it was written. Hardy creates suspense by the description of William Privett as a person who gave you â€Å"the chills†if he stood behind you, â€Å"anywhere behind your back†¦. close by tour elbow†. The general structure of â€Å"The Superstitious mans story†is episodical, and each one begrudges a totally different storyline than the next. The point of writing the story in episodes is to hold back certain information and, in turn increase tension and drama and keep us wondering what is going to happen next. In all of his stories the writer puts ‘little hints’ forward to make us vary of what is going to happen next and try and make us understand the true horror of the story. He uses them to suggest that something rather conspicuous is going to happen. Such hints as â€Å"William was in good health, to al in appearance†. The writer could have just said â€Å"William is in good health†but by adding â€Å"to all appearance†it makes us think more of what is going to happen. The Ending of â€Å"The Superstitious mans story†is predictable as you instantly expect that William Privett goes into the church on midsummer’s eve and does not come out again, he is going to die. According to superstitions anyone who goes to church on midsummer’s eve and not come out again is alleged to die in the near future. However what is not predictable is the anti-climax that the writer adds on to the story for effect. He states that William Privett is seen again, after he is dead at the spring where his son had died. This was rather unusual or strange in the context of the story because we did not know about his son dying and also did not expect William Privett to be seen again. Another of Thomas Hardy’s stories titled â€Å"The Withered Arm†is great in description as he uses this innate gift to express someone or something in the deepest form which could actually help the reader picture the person or object clearly. First of all, we can see clearly that marriages could only happen between people of the same class and that it could only be between social equals and this is one of the aspects of that the society judged a person on. Farmer Lodge was of a high class so married Gertrude, a beautiful young lady, also of high class. By doing this Farmer Lodge left Rhoda, who is of lower class. The reason why Rhoda sends her son to spy on Farmer Lodge’s new wife is to see if she is of equal society and is more beautiful, which was also looked on by society – the appearance of a person. Rhoda presumes Farmer Lodge married Gertrude because she is beautiful and well off. This can be proven by the quote, â€Å"And if she seems like a woman who has ever worked for a living, or one that has been well off, and never done anything, and shows marks of a lady on her, as I expect she do†. Another major point of society was their superstitions, and the effects they had on people’s character. Superstition is first introduces in â€Å"The Withered Arm†, is through the dream Rhoda Brook has, and how society made certain people victims of their superstitions making them victims of societies beliefs. This is proven by the quote, â€Å"she knew that she had slyly called a witch since her fall†. This is written when Rhoda Brook wonders if she did have powers after she had a dream of Gertrude where she hurts her and she finds out that she really is and begins to question. The impact of society can be seen when Gertrude finds out that her husband likes her less because of her withered arm and because of that, she longs and craves for a solution and tries many cures, which turns her into a superstitious person as she is willing to believe in any cure just to get her husbands attention and love back once more. In this story we see Farmer Lodge’s clothes as, â€Å"big great golden seals hung like a lord†while Gertrude wore a, â€Å"White bonnet and a silver coloured gown†showing Hardy’s descriptive talents, which makes one understand that the way they dressed, was with so much sophistication and this clearly showed their position in the neighbourhood. â€Å"The Withered Arm†tends to be based on unfairness in society as people are said to be hung for minor things such as, â€Å"horse stealing†, â€Å"arson†and â€Å"burglary†, and sometimes not for the genuine reason of committing a crime, but so that an example would be set for other people so as to not to make the same mistake. This is shown when Thomas Hardy writes, â€Å"they are obliged to make an example of him, there have been so much destruction of property lately†. Nevertheless, â€Å"The Distracted Preacher†, another of Thomas Hardy’s collection is tragic as it based on how pious people were in Victorian times about religion. â€Å"The Distracted Preacher†is set in a town called Nether-Moynton, which was recreated by Hardy from a place near Dorchester called Owre Moyne (Owermoigne). Again society shows how people reacted towards appearance. The minister was good looking so it caused people to say, â€Å"Why didn’t we know of this before he came, that might have gived him a warmer welcome! †With â€Å"To Please His Wife†Being bases on how a class in society and being well dressed can give you some powers over women and marriage. Overall I think that Thomas Hardy recreated his life time by using multiple storylines as â€Å"The Superstitious Mans Story†is based on superstition, and â€Å"The Withered Arm†based on how beauty and appearance affects status in society. â€Å"The Distracted Preacher†is based on, to some extent, religion and â€Å"To Please His Wife†is about authority and jealousy affecting true love. All of these ‘life-like’ events are events that take place in someone’s life, and some how these collections of stories are like a deeply evolved and highly detailed diary of Thomas Hardy’s life.
Tuesday, August 13, 2019
Discuss the reading. What did you think of the story Did it have any Essay
Discuss the reading. What did you think of the story Did it have any meaning in your life Is it still relevant today Things you didn't like - Essay Example He is not ready to accept his aging. The society, after all, celebrates youth and beauty and neglects the old and the ugly. Prufrock is also materialistic, because he is concerned of materialistic concerns, such as sophisticated dress and language. Urban decay is also described through images of â€Å"yellow fog†and â€Å"yellow smoke.†Yellow signifies the gangrene of materialistic modern living that destroys the environment and simplicity in people. The poem, in addition, uses repetition to express materialism. When Prufrock says â€Å"And indeed there will be time†several times, he is complaining of his boredom. It becomes palpable that he has no real social life and no permanent human relationships too, which indeed makes life boring. What I did not like about the poem is that it seems like it has been written by a schizophrenic person, because of the fragmented ideas that go circular. Prufrock does not focus on any idea and expands on it, because he gets easily distracted by different things or people. The poem demonstrates the mental decline of Prufrock and the citys urban decline. At the same time, it shows how materialism and vanity pervade in modern culture. A materialistic culture, hence, creates vain and superficial
Monday, August 12, 2019
The Value of Digital Privacy in an Information Technology Age Research Paper - 2
The Value of Digital Privacy in an Information Technology Age - Research Paper Example  This stores numerous reports including names, addresses, birth dates, court records, and cell phone numbers†(The Value of Digital Privacy in an Information Technology Age, 2013, par.1). b. is one more technology which is quite helpful in enabling an individual to explore into the private data of those they need to or want to know about. This information can also be shared with other organizations or individuals if the person consents. Google is a platform where a person has access to information relating to anything and everything. c. Another technology is FaceBook, which is an online social network that contains different kinds of applications or ‘apps’ that the users can use to their advantage. The apps contain a number of details regarding emails, present location, age, sex, friends and so on. 2. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of public access to this information, both for the researchers and those who are being â€Å"investigatedâ₠¬ . Every invention has its own merits and demerits. The advantage of this type of information is the easy and fast accessibility of information through various websites. It becomes easier to make the payment of bills online, shopping online or making various enquiries, making reservations etc. People need not stand in queue to make the payment of bills or go to shops to purchase goods. Instead, it can be done sitting in front of a computer, therefore, saving money and time as well as getting things done more easily. Digital information can be sent quickly from one individual to another. The demerits are that an e-governance system has to watch over the limitless number of people accessing the internet day to day. Hardware and links are also required in order to gain access to government websites. Public sectors will have to avail highly developed technologies and security systems to manage the huge amount of information as well as threats. Huge amount of investments is required fo r this purpose. On the other hand the development of cyber crimes also greatly affects an individual’s personal identity. A number of cases related to cyber crimes still remain unresolved. 3. Determine what measures citizens can take to protect private information or information they do not want to be disclosed. . In order to take out personal details from Google or Yahoo, individuals may contact Acxiom, which is seen to be the largest private information provider. Individuals may send an e mail or contact Acxiom through a phone call to get their work done. A number of websites are associated with US search and, therefore, they make available a person’s background details to anyone who needs to get in touch or contact the other. People can demand the removal of their personal records through is similar to the phonebook which contains an online directory that can be accessed by everyone who has their computers connected to the internet. Individuals can demand the removal of it as well. It is not easily possible to remove individ ual details in a well timed method, so one can seek the help of professionals. A business named Reputation Defender assists individuals in removing personal details that they do not prefer to be displayed to the public eye, through the payment of a certain fee. 4. Discuss a federal law that grants the federal government the legal right to make private informati
The Shakespearean Theatre Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
The Shakespearean Theatre - Term Paper Example These theatre companies had their own permanent cast of actors. These actors used to perform different plays on in a weekly cycle. Those theatrical companies were dependent on their audiences to gather funds for the continued existence of the theatres and plays. Shakespeare associated himself with the city’s most known theatrical company known as The Lord Chamberlain’s Man in London. He remained associated with the place from 1594 till rest of his life. By 1594, the theater had played six of the most famous plays by him. He was an official playwright and an actor for the theatre. During Shakespeare’s time, there were two monarchs who ruled over the land of England; King Henry (VIII) and Queen Elizabeth (I). Both of the monarchs keenly appreciated the plays produced by Shakespeare. Their personal affiliation with Shakespeare helped him gain new heights of popularity among the masses. During mid-sixteenth century, English theater was faced by grave situation. Those theatres were hardly organized and contributed very little towards the professional growth of an artist. It is unfair to recognize those theaters as artistic institutions. Usually, the artists used to perform in groups anywhere; sometimes in courtyards or sometimes in the grand halls of noble houses. The plays they performed merely had any theme. They were either bawdy interludes, unsophisticated tragedies or sometimes lacked the refined humor (Janette Dillon). However, time changed by the beginning of seventeenth century when theater became the life of London city. Lord Chamberlain’s Men was one the most reputable commercial theatrical company which boasted the career of William Shakespeare not only as an actor but also as a prominent playwright and a shareholder. Shakespeare earned a huge name from the platform of The Chamberlain’s Men which was later changed as the King’s Men in 1603 during the rule of James I. The actors including Shakespeare used to present most of their
Sunday, August 11, 2019
How can understaning elasticity of demand help a firm in its Essay
How can understaning elasticity of demand help a firm in its planningExplain how the different levels of elasticity influence behaviour within different market structures - Essay Example Elasticity of demand explains the extent to which consumers are willing to relinquish their consumption of a particular product due to price increase and vice versa. Upon setting goals and objectives of the firm, the management ought to strategise and plan operations that facilitate goal achievement. As noted earlier, revenues can be raised by either raising quantity supplied via expansion or altering prices. Quantity supply increment is associated with increase in costs and thus requires careful analysis and hence a long-term decision. On the other hand, due to the negative effect that price has on sales; its increment does not necessarily result to increased revenue, but rather depends on the proportionate change in quantity demanded. For that reason, decision maker ought to consider elasticity of demand before initiating a price alteration. As matter of fact, increase in price may either raise or lower total revenue, though it has no effect on cost. Moreover, planners ought to understand the determinants of elasticity and work, to their advantage, either to increase or reduce it. In an inelastic demand situation, a change in price results to a less than proportionate change in sales. A rational firm may therefore increase price as it adds to revenues. However, as price the consumer surplus reduces and hence consumer’s responsiveness to price increases (Guru, 2010). At the point where elasticity becomes unitary, it makes no economical sense to raise price, since the impact on revenues is negligible if not zero. Alternatively, reducing prices on elastic commodities increases revenues and vice versa. Remarkably, in an elastic situation, the change in price is offset b the more than proportionate change in quantity demanded. Among many other factors, elasticity ought to be a key variable in pricing policies. Secondly, elasticity of demand can be used to predict availability and
Saturday, August 10, 2019
Risk Management Issues Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words
Risk Management Issues - Essay Example 54, 2009). One decision that appears from this scrutiny is the quantity of resources that the organization should have to provide cushion for potential failures that can take place during the way of its trading actions. In view of the fact that trading revenue is doubtful, despite the fact that, a significant risk management activity concentrates on the risk extent crisis - calculating how huge potential failures could be. Corresponding activities entail the examining as well as enforcement of risk-related trading restrictions, by this means helping the risk amended performance assessment of individual trading bureaus (Chapman & Ward, p. 42, 2003). These two phases of the risk management function turn the resources distribution decision into an optimisation issue: very small sum puts the firm in front of extreme levels of risk, although excessively huge sum increases financing expenditures as well as lessens productivity. The point of complexity with which the risk management role is carried out has progressed considerably during current years. Evidently, there are still significant issues whose answers would improve the task’s usefulness all the more. These issues come under three groups: (1) risk management functions, (2) risk forms, and (3) risk measurement execution concerns (Abkowitz, p. 76, 2008). The risk management issues put huge stress on attempting to get the â€Å"probability distribution†for the income of the entire company. Risk managers are particularly â€Å"interested in the extreme left-hand tail of this distribution as a predictor of the largest ex post loss that the firm could experience†(Olson & Wu, p. 65, 2007). After that, to offer assurance of firm-wide solvency, the organization would have resources more than that quantity. Then again, this whole quantity of resources should as well be distributed between the individual trading bureaus so that their job can be assessed on a risk-amended base. As a result of unsati sfactory correlations with bureaus’ revenue flows, the level of possible failures for the entire organization is not more than its total for the individual trading companies, forming the following procedural problem: if risk managers assess the company’s resources satisfactoriness condition initially and after that disaggregate the outcome for distribution to individual companies, they are susceptible to reserve misallocations between bureaus (Khan & Zsidisin, p. 89, 2011). The substitute of calculating capital prerequisites on the individual company level primarily and after that combining the outcomes with the help of a set of approximate correlations, alternatively, is prone to the possibility of overcapitalising the company altogether. Despite the fact that a lot of companies acknowledge the contradiction of depending on both approaches, the most excellent existing practice in the derived business supports the â€Å"bottom-up approach†(Smith & Merritt, p. 7 9, 2002), to a certain extent due to a custom of calculating the different sorts of risk (such as credit, marketplace, functioning) autonomously as well as being acquainted with the different comparative significance of these risk forms amid companies. The expansion of a incorporated tactic which conserved this point of specialisation devoid of giving up exactness on the universal level would be a considerable step ahead. Authoritarian organizations force funds prerequisites on
Friday, August 9, 2019
Informal Analytical Report Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Informal Analytical Report - Essay Example The people way of life will be affected as they may be forced to change in productive ways that use less land. The idea is to make them look out for jobs to cater for their daily needs since farmlands can be reduced. The people living on the proposed site may be forced to vacate the land to newer areas which may be less productive, and this will force the people adopt different ways of survival. Moving vehicles may knock down people as they perform their errands since most of them use footpaths, which may be destroyed forcing them, use the roads. The water catchments may be destroyed, and rivers may be diverted towards far areas forcing them look for water from afar. The main construction will cause noise pollution and air pollution from fumes emitted by the vehicles undertaking the construction. To solve the possible emerging issues and retaliation; the community will be sensitized to effects and possible solutions the company is willing to put in place. The manufacturing company will come up with solutions to each problem they will cause as they create the diversion. Footpaths will be constructed alongside the main roads to prevent people being knocked down by vehicles. However, in case of accidents when people are crossing the roads, the company caters for the expenses incurred for the medical services of the individuals working in the institution and is involved in an accident. Bumps must be placed on strategic crossing sites, and the community must be taught on road safety. On matters of diversion of rivers, the company must provide piped water to each doorstep to reduce movement of people and animals to and from the rivers. This will reduce a number of accidents thus reducing compensation to be made by the company. Though the community will feel the road is an unnecessary evil, they must be shown the positive impacts the roads can inflict to their
Thursday, August 8, 2019
Business Management Affairs (TORT) Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Business Management Affairs (TORT) - Assignment Example Agreeing with Gary, Simon instructed his solicitor to prepare a partnership deed in which Gary will be liable for ?50,000, i.e. his invested amount as start-up capital. However, the solicitor drafted Gary and Simon as joint partners accountable for equal and several liabilities. Following a substantial loss, the overseas office closed and the creditors attempted to sue Gary for ?100,000. This was unknown to Gary as the partnership deed was not scrutinised by each of the two investors. In relation to the Law of Tort, this circumstance can be affirmed to be caused due to the careless behaviour of the solicitor and to a certain extent by Gary as well. Based on the Tort Law of Negligence, the paper will intend to suggest recommendations to Gary considering the options based on which he can take legal actions against the solicitor. The discussion will further elaborate on rendering advises to the solicitor, evaluating the options available to him to defend himself. Principles of the Tort Law Tort Law has been introduced to provide solutions to the victims of negligence resulting in damage to the applicant. The three elements that need to be considered while analysing a case of negligence under this particular law are ‘duty’, ‘breach’ and ‘damage’. In order to receive the applicants’ claim and make the defendant liable for the damages, these elements need to be satisfied. In other words, the defendant must be obliged to a duty of the claimant where the duty has been violated by the defendant and consequentially, damages have been caused. The damages can be described with two other sub-elements known as causation and remoteness. Causation refers to the claimant’s justification that had the duty not been infringed; damage should also not have happened. Whereas, remoteness is referred to a scenario where the claimant proves that the damage occurred was not impossible and the defendant should not be held liable for it. The tort of negligence is concerned with situations where sensible care lacked that resulted in damage to the claimant (Adams, 2010). Meaning of the Law The law has been imposed to determine the negligence factors caused either by the defendant or any other person who should be liable to compensate the financial damages to the claimant. The claimant shall intend to prove that due to the negligence of the defendant, the damages have been occurred. On the other hand, under this law, the defendant attempts to prove that the negligence was not caused intentionally and to some extent shall not be liable to the damages caused to the claimant. The law gives the opportunity to the courts to calculate the damages in references to the fault exhibited either by the claimant or by the defendant (Keenan & Riches, 2011). Recommendations to Gary It has been witnessed that due to negligence or carelessness of the solicitor, Gary has been held responsible for the liabilities to the creditors. Even though it is the solicitor’s mistake majorly, to some extent, Gary’s negligence of not reading the partnership deed can also be considered as a cause to his financial losses. In this context, Gary should take legal actions against the solicitor under the Professional Negligence Law. Gary has to prove that the financial loss, he is going to suffer, is due to the professional negligence or
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