Thursday, January 30, 2020
Different Kinds of Personality Essay Example for Free
Different Kinds of Personality Essay The Duke and Knight play crucial parts in the scenes and themes of both poems. They have very contrasting personalities to one another. The knight is very gullible and naive- in falling in love with a woman he knows is an evil and unreal person- though he can do nothing to prevent this. In a way, his personality would suit that of the Duchess, as she too is very nai ve. The Duke in that instance though is completely the opposite. He is very wealthy, manipulative and arrogant and is only interested in impressing people. This is shown throughout the whole poem, as he is obviously speaking to someone he feels is important about his wife and her murder. He even ends the poem by boasting about a bronze statue, of Neptune taming a sea horse cast by Claus of Innsbruck who was probably someone famous in those days. The two men are in quite similar situations though; having both just lost a love in failed relationships, though the loss of the Dukes love was deliberate. They are also members of the nobility, being a Duke and Knight. However, there is another difference between them and that is that the knight appreciated natural gifts and wasnt ruled by his status. The language and context of both poems contrast with each other too. La Belle Dame Sans Merci is written as a ballad. It is designed to be read aloud and to be easy on the ear. This particular ballad differs from others because it has been made to sound as if it had been written 200-300 years before John Keats was even born. It is also written in quatrain but in the pattern of ABCB and revolves around a question and answer. This poem is very ambivalent so it makes you think about what the poem means and contains endstopped punctuation to make a bigger impression upon the reader. My Last Duchess is a dramatic monologue written in rhyming couplets although the endings dont always end with rhyming. The poem also contains run on lines with no particular punctuation at intervals, unlike in La Belle Dame. The background sources used by Keats and Browning are very unlike. There is a lot of history used in both poems. At the time Robert Browning wrote My last Duchess there was a large influence in Italy in particular over possessions and status. The story of the Borgias family who paid people to kill those they did not like or were not on friendly terms with, also gave him ideas. John Keats, though, was influenced by the thoughts and beliefs of people in 1795-1821. This was the time in which legends such as monsters and witches were at the centre of everyones minds. It was the idea of witches, which probably gave Keats the name of his poem. In those times, the word for witch was Bedlam which sounds like Belle Dame, so that could be significant. So, altogether there are many similarities and contrasts between La Belle Dame Sans Merci and My Last Duchess and both teach valuable lessons about life but also give insights into the lives and beliefs of some people in those times.
Wednesday, January 22, 2020
We Must Stop Legislation to Ban Cell Phone Use While Driving :: Argumentative Persuasive Argument Essays
Cell phones began with only a select few could afford a cell phone. Today with most Americans owning cell phones we must look at the benefits and downfalls of cellular technology. The issue of driving while dialing brings up the most controversy. The legislation in place to govern the use of cellular phones in certain cities is justified, but the benefits far outweigh the disadvantages. The cell phone has been around since the fifties when they first had the idea from using CB radio frequencies. AT&T was the first to bring about the technology back in the late forties and early fifties. The FCC regulated all radio frequencies broadcast and limited AT&T to twenty-three phone calls simultaneously in the same service area. In the seventies the FCC later allowed more use of the radio waves. In the late seventies the first trials were made in Chicago with 2000 initial customers (Bellis 1). In the 1987 cellular customers hit one million. Today one half of the people living in the United States own a cell phone. It is true that drivers can be clearly distracted from the road from cellular phones. Drivers will have them in a purse in the backseat or in an inaccessible pocket that they will be startled to get to when someone calls. Drivers will struggle to get to the phone in a timely manner and that becomes their priority instead of the road in front of them. Drivers may swerve or cut off another driver in while trying to answer a cell phone or trying dialing a ten digit telephone number. An Ohio insurance company took a poll of eight hundred drivers. The results of the poll are as follows: 43% said they had accelerated on at least one occasion while using their mobile phone; 23% said they had tailgated; 18% said they had cut someone off; 10% ran a red light; and 41% said they had accelerated to get away from someone else in another vehicle on a mobile phone (Ropeik 16). It is obvious that cell phones are a distraction but are the distractions caused by cell phones outweighed by the security and added convenience of a cell phone? There are hundreds of benefits from cellular phones. The convenience more than anything is what appeals to most users. Cell phones can be used for work or for personal use. Businessmen and women will use them to call clients and parents will use them to check on the babysitter.
Tuesday, January 14, 2020
Features of Detective Fiction Essay
Holmes is a detective who is made for his job. He solves the problems by using his intelligence and power if deduction. He is an archetypal detective; his assistant Dr Watson is also an archetypal who is not as smart as the detective itself is. Dr Watson is the narrator of all the Sherlock Holmes stories. He is known as a doctor in every story because it would make the readers trust him and therefore believe in the stories told by him. Watson is shown as less skilful, lacking the reason skills compared to Holmes, this makes us the same level as well as him because he too doesn’t know what’s behind the curtains. If in any case the detective was to narrate the story to the reader, he/she would straight away give out who they suspect and spoil the tension rising. If we find out from a second persons point of view it would slowly build up tension because they too do not know what is going on behind the detective’s mind. The famous feature of Sherlock Holmes character is his intelligence, which he reveals very modestly. Sherlock Holmes talks very little compared to his visitors, and have the ability to listen completely attentively to every detail of his victim’s description, ‘Leaning back in his chair with his eyes closed†¦ ‘ (The Speckled Band) This shows that Sherlock Holmes obviously has some amazing powers of concentration and imagination as he questions the victim and considers the situation, this would give him a fair idea of the story before he leaves the room. Sherlock Holmes would have had a very good idea of the crime; he would then go to the actual place only to confirm what he has already assumed. The three stories which we have studied on were ‘The Red Headed League,’ ‘The Speckled Band,’ and ‘The Priory School. ‘ All three stories were usually set in a rich upper class establishments, such as the Manor for’ The Speckled Band, ‘ the local shops and banks for ‘The Red Headed League,’ and the countryside school(and Inn) for ‘The Priory School. ‘ The summary for ‘The Speckled Band’ is †¦ A twin sister has died just prior to her marriage; her last words were ‘The Band! The Speckled Band. ‘ The other sister, Helen, finds herself, as her wedding approaches, seeing similar signs of things that her sister described just before her death. Fearing that her own end is close, Helen rushes to the world-renowned Sherlock Homes in a desperate attempt to save herself. After her situation is described Holmes and Watson investigate her house leading them to an action packed final. The summary for ‘The Red-Headed League’ is†¦ Jabez Wilson is a pawnbroker whose store is located on Coburg Square next to a bank. He told Holmes about his employee Vincent Spaulding and the ‘League of Red-Headed Men. ‘ This is a group established by a red-headed American millionaire, who left a large amount of money for men such hair colour. Spaulding introduces him to the head of the operation, who is also red-headed. Poor Wilson had to work four hours everyday copying out the Encyclopaedia Britannica in an office. So far, he did eight weeks until he found the office locked. Holmes becomes excited at Spaulding description. That evening Holmes gathers the Scotland Yard police officer, Inspector Lestrade, Mr Merryweather, the director of the bank, to descend into its vault beneath the bank. They lay wait in the dark, until Spaulding was spotted descend into the vault. Later Holmes found out that his real name was John Clay, a criminal of who Holmes is well aware. There is a typical plot structure for most detective stories. They begin with an exposition, where we are then introduced to the characters involved and we learn something of their background. ‘†¦ he beat his native butler to death’ Dr Grimsby Roylott (The Speckled Band) This is when a little rise of tension begins. Next, someone arrives and announces a death or something dreadful that has happened. The tension is raised significantly. After that, the individuals who are suspected are investigated, or it could mean that they have collected clues. Often in most detective stories if the person suspected turns out to be innocent, then this is called a red herring. Finally, the perpetrator is revealed in a moment of high tension; generally, it is the last person the readers expect it to be. The guilty person admits their guilt and explains why they did it, and within this conclusion, the tension drops significantly. In the stories I have read, the victim sometimes turns out to be the lower class people. ‘†¦. pawnbroker whose store is located on Coburg Square next to a bank. ‘ Jabez Wilson (The Red-Headed League) For example, Jabez Wilson was a male victim, who is respectable, honest, and hard working. ‘†¦ small pawnbroker business†¦ late years it has not done more assistants†¦ ‘ The character such as Mr Wilson is described ‘†¦ obese, pompous, and slow. ‘ Here the writer is looking down at Jabez Wilson and making negative remarks. Conversely, if it was a female victim then she would be sweet, devoted, and respectable. ‘It is not cold which makes me shiver†¦ it is fear, Mr Holmes. It is terror. ‘ Helen Stoner (The Speckled Band) However, the villain would be well educated and physically unacceptable. They come from the high aristocracy and would speak English frequently. They all seem to have an attitude towards the lower class because they think they are better then them in everyway. John Clay matches this description because he is educated †¦ ‘I beg that you will not touch me with your filthy hands, you may not be ware that I have royal blood in my vein. ‘ John Clay said this to Jones, the Scotland Yard Officer, because he was putting on the handcuffs upon Clay’s wrists. The moral message in all the stories is†¦ ‘What goes around comes around, ‘Dr Grimsby Rowlott tried to kill his second victim but got into his own trap. ‘The Speckled Band’ ‘Never commit theft because sooner or later you’ll get caught red handed,’ at the end John Clay was caught up with his guilt ‘The Red-Headed League’ ‘Never commit fraud or murder because it is a crime,’ kidnapping the child let the criminal to murdering an innocent person. ‘The Priory School’ In this coursework, I was told to read three books based on Arthur Canon Doyle. He wrote Detective stories and one of the famous detective stories ever told was about Sherlock Holmes. Doyle succeeded in writing the mystery stories and the perfect way of solving it. There was other writer like Agatha Christie who was well known worldwide and was famous for her incredible detective stories. One of he other author was J. B Priestly who wrote detective stories, but the difference between other authors and his was that his stories were always a moral crime, this means the criminal comes out in his own. In conclusion, I will say that using all these devices, Doyle successfully builds up inquisitiveness and hence mystery and intrigue. He uses little but heavy description; he is able to build up a powerful image into the readers mind and has the ability to shock the reader to submission. The way the whole truth is revealed is more dramatic and much more successful in entertaining the reader. Sanjida Akhtar 11Fa Mr Moore-English Coursework Show preview only The above preview is unformatted text This student written piece of work is one of many that can be found in our GCSE Arthur Conan Doyle section.
Sunday, January 5, 2020
Sex in Woman on the Edge of Time Essay - 689 Words
Sex in Woman on the Edge of Time In Marge Piercys book, Woman on the Edge of Time, sex plays a major role in both the utopia and the dystopia. The portrayal of sex in the novel comes from a feminist point of view. The main character, Connie, is caught between a utopian world and a dystopian world where the takes on sex are on different levels. By using a feminist approach, the two worlds of sex can be examined and contrasted. In the dystopia that is Connies present life, sex is a painful and often a violent experience. Rape, prostitution, and other sexual abuse are a dominant part of the characters lives. In the opening scene of the book, the reader is immediately introduced to this issue. Connie has to open her door to her†¦show more content†¦Unfortunately Dolly has never experienced a love that has not included violence so for here this feels like a fulfilling relationship. Later on in the text, the reader sees that the violence exists outside of Connies personal relationships as well. The printed media also exposes Connie to the brutality of a physically abusive relationship. The opening headline of the daily paper reads: Girl shoots M.D. in L.A. love spat (42). She can relate to the girls situation of trying to get out of a bad situation. Connie is trying to break the ties that bind her in this destructive rut, but she is continually being repressed by the male figures in her life. The autho r has drawn a clear line of male dominance in Connies dystopia by giving the male characters abusive control over their women through sex. The future represents the ideal feminist sexual environment. The act of sex in a utopian perspective represents something that feels very natural and pleasurable. In the dystopian world, sex is an act that is associated with evil. In the utopian society, Our notions of evil center around power and greed- taking from other people their food, their liberty, their health, their land, their customs, their pride. We dont find coupling bad unless it involves pain or is not invited. (131) The feminist ideals come through in the way that the people are sexed. Outward sexualShow MoreRelatedLust by Susan Minot Essay691 Words  | 3 Pagesinherently selfish and opposed to love. For many girls who are having sex with different boys they can identify with the desire to be needed. The characters in Lust are written in a way to highlight the dysfunction and disconnection of everyone involved. The narrator herself is nameless and faceless, making the reader believe that she has already somehow d isappeared, just as the men in her life have made her disappear after having sex. 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