Tuesday, May 26, 2020
Thomas Hardy The Man He Killed - 550 Words
Thomas Hardy: The Man He Killed (Essay Sample) Content: Students NameInstructors NameCourse DateThe Man He KilledThomas Hardy presents an anti-war poem in which he narrates how he met a strange man in the battlefield and killed him for a reason he cannot tell. He seems to regret his action and wishes that he could have met the person in an ancient bar where they could have drunk together. The poet has dealt much in describing how he killed the man he met in a battlefield, providing details on how the situation was. By analyzing the poem, The Man He Killed, this paper seeks to discuss how the poet has employed the use of metaphor, imagery and tone to elucidate how the war he once fought took away the humane in him, leading him to commit sometime he could not have done to a potential friend were he not subjected to a battlefield. In battlefields, soldiers are given orders by their commandant, which they obligated to adhere to no matter the situation. The poet has specified that he was at the forefront of the battle as an inf antry indicating that he was receiving orders from someone else to act in the war. He says, But ranged as infantry (5), and staring face to face (6), indicating that as a soldier he was commanded or ordered to go face his opposing side, with whom he fought. The tone portrayed in these stanzas depict the horrific nature of the war where a soldier has to face his enemy face to face knowing very well that he could be killed in the process. In the war, he described how they shot at each other, ending up killing someone that could be his potential drinking buddy.In the poem, the author has clearly indicated lack of awareness of the reasons he shot his potential friend. He is saying that, I shot him dead because-- (9), Because he was my foe (10). The fact that he is repeating the word because shows that he does not know the reason he shot the stranger. The tone exposes his confusion in which he tries to come up with an explanation to justify his unintended action. The long pause after sta nza (9) shows he is doubtful of whether the man he killed was actually his enemy or not. However, because he was an infantry, he acted appropriately, as it was expected, because he was just a mere soldier following orders from those at the top.As the poem ends, the author finally concludes why he killed the man. Although this comes after much confusion and self-convincing, he agrees that there was not substantial reason that could link the dead man to his enemy, as he initially wanted to justify. The metaphor used in the stanzas, He thought he'd 'list perhaps (13), Off-hand like-just as i- (14), confirms that the author acknowledges t...
Sunday, May 17, 2020
Writing As A Good Writer - 967 Words
Writing is something that we use every day to convey our thoughts or ideas to people. It can be something as simple as taking notes in class or writing a resume for a future employer. You may not be writing to always give your work to someone else but even learning the proper way to take notes for yourself is a helpful tool to becoming a better writer. It also allows you to obtain the information more than once. The thing that I find to be most important in writing is to learn and understand new ideas that you have never thought about before and to experience these new ideas in a way that makes you a better person. The first year writing program has taught me a lot about becoming a good writer and incorporating my ideas out on paper. Writing is important to me because I feel that you always need to be able to write no matter who you are or what you do, whether you like it or not it is necessary. I have experienced many things in my writing such as errors to not having a clue what I’m writing about. It is always hard to start writing an essay for school if you’re not totally sure on what you want to talk about but that doesn’t mean that writing is always hard. Writing has so many different shapes and forms to it. From writing research papers to writing a letter to a friend overseas. Both of these writing styles will be completely different but one may come easier to you than another. It is always easier to write about a topic that you are interested I rather than a givenShow MoreRelatedWriting Is A Good Writer922 Words  | 4 PagesWriting is a process that can always be perfected and it is always a good idea to continue education for learning benefits and to sharpen your skills. Writing has always easily come to me; it is not hard for me to get my ideas on paper, but I have issues when it comes to grammar and punctuation. Grammar and punctuation are two key factors that can make or break a writer’s work; to be a good writer you must have those two down. This past summer in English 1301 I picked up on some grammar and punctuationRead MoreA Brief Note On Professional Writers Are Instinctively Good At Writing986 Words  | 4 PagesMy Climb to the Top I used to believe that professional writers are instinctively good at writing. However, professor Watson showed me that unlike an athlete or a musician, a writer is not born with God-given skills. It takes practice in order to maintain their profound writing skills. In other words, all writers have to start off somewhere, and it is usually at the bottom and progresses upwards. As a freshman, I took a workload writing course where Professor Watson helped me to become aware ofRead MoreWriting As A Tool That Everyone Can Benefit From Good Writers Essay972 Words  | 4 Pagesmy English 1101 class, that writing well is a tool that everyone can benefit from. Good writers will tell of an occasion in which their talent has earned them advancement; an advancement that comes to play not only in the job market but also for personal satisfaction. Fortunately, writing is a skill that can be practiced to a point at which near flawlessness is reached. The many sides of writing can seem quite ov erwhelming to the novice, like myself. The aspect of writing that most people are unawareRead MoreThe Write Source 2000 : Guideline For Serious Writers755 Words  | 4 PagesThe Write Source 2000: Guideline for Serious Writers 1) Introduction â€Å"The Write Source 2000†is a detailed guide for individuals who are passionate about becoming a writer. The book provides a step-by-step process of the writing process, from the basic form of writing to the more complex form of writing. In addition, it provides guidelines, samples, and strategies to aid the up and coming writer. 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In many cases it s not about how precise the writer can write, but what the write has to write about. To have tools, but a lack of cause is pointless in writing. Therefore on page 9 in the Craft Composition: A Guide to First Year Writing at Armstrong, the main focus was on a writers mindset rather than their actual ability to write. Th is is because one can be extremely knowledgeable on how to write, but the writer must have a connection withRead MoreMy Strengths And Strengths Of My Weaknesses1162 Words  | 5 Pageshowever, the only way I made it out alive was to leave the writer I thought I was in the past. There are challenges along the way that tested my strengths and showed my weaknesses. Also, I was able to realize the type of writer I am and the writer that I am not. English 1101, teaches the elements of writing allowing studentto understand themselves as writers; with the hope that by the end of the semester the students will be stronger writers. 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Saturday, May 16, 2020
Sex Education Is A Process Of Building A Strong Foundation...
Sex Education According to Rhiannon Lucy, â€Å"Sex education is a process that begins at birth and continues until the day you die. It is a process of building a strong foundation for sexual health†. There are many misconceptions and non-factual opinions that accompany along the topic of sexual education, even though it may constantly discussed. Sex may includes sexual development, reproduction, intimacy, gender roles and relationships. At home parents may be nervous when discussing this particular topic, in order to reduce the mental thought of their child eventually becoming sexually active. Therefore, comprehensive sex education should be taught in many or all schools around the world. The youth of today would not be able to make educated†¦show more content†¦They are either too embarrassed about talking about the extreme topic of sex, afraid of providing too much information to push their children to act on what they have told them or shy of not knowing the answers to the ques tions that their children might ask. School-based sexuality education complements and supplements the sexuality education children receive from their families, religious and community groups. Therefore, due to the necessity of school-based sexuality education it is in my opinion that it be a part of the curriculum for students both regionally and internationally, that is junior and senior high. This course needs to be taught in the various high schools for a number of reasons including: to students to build a strong foundation, to decrease teenage pregnancy, to make students aware of Sexually Transmitted diseases and prevent them from occurring. The primary goal of sex education in the schools should be to help young people to build a foundation as they mature into sexually healthy adults. These programs should assist young people in understanding a positive view of sexuality, provide them with information and skills about taking care of their sexual health and help them make decisions about solving problems now and in the future. According to my interpretation, sex education should provide an opportunity for young people to develop and understand theirShow MoreRelatedThe Ministry Of Education s Sex Education Curriculum Essay1731 Words  | 7 PagesEducation’s Sex Education Curriculum in primary schools. The Ministry of Education’s sexual Education Curriculum includes the different topics of sexual education and places them in different levels that are appropriate for the education of students in different grades and ages. A random sample was taken from St. Joseph Roman Catholic Primary School. 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It is inferred that the adult acts upon their desires by engaging in sexual contract with the child, becoming sexual aroused, or that theRead MoreA Critical Understanding of the Theories and Principles of Resource Leadership and Management Practice Together with an Analysis of a Current Resource Dilemma Within the Setting.3202 Words  | 13 Pagesthe role that HRM plays in enhancing the recruitment process. This encompasses all aspects of recruitment and selection, development, reward, employee relations, health and safety and well-being of all staff. Therefore, making human resource management a tool used to pro mote employee development and employee satisfaction (Patrickson amp; Hartmann, 2001). 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Trauma can be defined as an â€Å"extreme, important event against a person’s body or self-concept†(Frideres, 2011, p. 80), and unless measures are taken to counteract the serious injury and harm caused by trauma it can result in the inability of a person to self-heal (Frideres, 2011)Read MoreEthical Issues in Human Services Organizations2118 Words  | 9 PagesEthical Issues in Human Services Organizations Nutritional well-being plays an essential role in the overall health, independence, and quality of life of older persons as well as disabled persons. This nation has a responsibility to at risk populations such as the elderly. Today, there are close to 6 million seniors in the United States facing the threat of hunger. Some of these citizens were raised during the Great Depression, they went on to protect our independence in the Second World War and
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
An Analysis Of Yiyun Li s Book, Gold Boy, Emerald Girl,...
Yiyun Li’s collection of short stories in Gold Boy, Emerald Girl share the common theme of loneliness in a collection of short stories: â€Å"Souvenir,†â€Å"Sweeping Past, and â€Å"A Man like Him.†While the characters of each story encounter different hardships and tragedies, each character seemed to show development. At first glance, they seemed to have grown from their experiences. However, they eventually fall into a downward spiral of regret and sorrow after having epiphanies of their mistakes. The identifiable protagonists’ grief-stricken experiences dramatically shift their perspective, becoming hopeless in the harsh reality they have grown accustomed to. Throughout the short stories, characters endure circumstances that allow them to realize the unfairness of the world, ultimately causing a change in attitude. In â€Å"Souvenir,†the protagonist finds herself in a shop purchasing a pack of condoms for her mentally ill boyfriend while being followed by an old man. With the belief that sacrificing something precious of herself such as her virginity, the teenager initially felt that her love could save him from his mental illness. Those in the store around her, however, forced humiliation upon her, especially the elderly man. Finally becoming aware to those around her, she has an epiphany of those surrounding her in addition to the society she lives in. Witnessing the differences in people’s behaviors and attitudes, she grasps the understanding that people are influenced by others
Analysis Of Frank Huyler s The Blood Of Strangers
Prominently featured in the mission statements of virtually of every medical school and medical institution in the world is the call for empathetic doctors. These institutions wish to train medical professionals that possess qualities of sympathy and compassion, and hospitals wish to employ health professionals that showcase similar qualities. The reality, however, is starkly different, as physicians, jaded by what they have seen in the medical world, lose the qualities that drove them to medicine in the first place. In Frank Huyler’s â€Å"The Blood of Strangers,†a collection of short stories from his time as a physician in the emergency room, Huyler uses the literary techniques of irony and imagery to depict the reality of the world of a medical professional. While Huyler provides several examples of both techniques in his accounts, moments from â€Å"A Difference of Opinion†and â€Å"The Secret†in particular stand out. Huyler uses irony and imagery i n these two pieces to describe how medical professionals have lost their sense of compassion and empathy due to being jaded and desensitized by the awful incidents they have witnessed during their careers. In a particularly morbid display of irony, Huyler, an emergency room physician who has pledged to serve the health of humanity, wishes his comatose patient was dead. In â€Å"A Difference of Opinion,†Huyler is treating a patient who has been in the Intensive Care Unit (ICU) for over a month and showed little sign of improving. Due to the
Yahoo free essay sample
Yahoo! Inc. is a global US Internet Corporation, founded in California in 1994, which provides a range of products and content, including email, media streaming and downloads. Surviving the dot. com crash in 2001, Yahoo concentrated on pursuing partnerships with telecoms and internet providers to compete with AOL, they acquired smaller search engines and built their own technology to control the search results. There were various merger discussions held between Yahoo and Microsoft over the course of 2005-2007, however all attempts to form a merger were unsuccessful. The company had maintained it’s value proposition from 2005-2009 as one of the market leaders in search, it had healthy top line growth however it suffered from falling profits, web traffic and share price and this resulted in the appointment of their new CEO, Marissa Mayer in 2012. This essay will examine Yahoo’s business model, it’s value proposition and attempt to forecast its future financial performance based on ability to generate future revenues, drive traffic to it’s properties and investors’ confidence in Mayer’s strategy for the remainder of 2013. We will write a custom essay sample on Yahoo or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Business Model Yahoo business model is primarily a two-sided business model. According to Evans Schmalensee (2005), this business model is where firms act as platforms and sell two different products to two different groups of buyers taking into account that demand from one group of buyers depends on demand from the other group of buyers, while buyers of the two groups do not take this indirect network effects into account, so that these are in fact externalities for buyers. According to Wely (2010), three key characteristics of two-sided markets are; (1) price discrimination between two distinct groups of users, (2) cross network effects between market sides and (3) bilateral market power of the platform. NETWORKED MARKETED 1 SIDE 2 SIDE PLATFORM PROVIDERS Web Search Searchers (subsidy side) Advertisers Yahoo, Google, Bing Yahoo offers free use of its search services and products to its’ users. It provides a range of services to consumers via their web portal, search engine Yahoo Search and related services including Directory, Mail, Finance, Groups, Answers, mapping, video sharing and social media. It also sells Internet user data to third party affiliates, who have integrated their advertising offerings into their websites. Thirdly, it provides a range of marketing tools to advertisers and publishers who visit Yahoo and it’s affiliate sites. Yahoo generates revenues by providing marketing services to advertisers across a range of Yahoo owned and affiliate sites. Yahoo also charges for a range of premium services that it offers users for some of it’s services. In 2011, Yahoo and Microsoft formed a Search Alliance, which enabled Microsoft to provide web, video and image listings to Yahoo. Yahoo’s value proposition Yahoo is a global brand name, reaching large audiences with leading positions in search function and display advertising. Yahoo’s value proposition has been created for both it’s customers (advertisers and affiliates) and it’s users (search, products) by creating quality services that attract over 500 million users worldwide. Yahoo’s emphasis is on the quality of the user experience, personalised content and information. Yahoo’s strategy CEO and former Google executive, Marissa Mayer has been in control of the new business strategy for just over 12 months. According to Mayer, Yahoo’s biggest opportunities for growth are increasing usage, growing its international presence and appealing to a broader demographic of users, in that order. Mayer has been in the spotlight for the number of acquisitions she has bought, including the popular blogging site Tumblr. com for 1. 1billion. Graph 1: BLOOMBERG BUSINESSWEEK Data from YAHOO financial reports Mobile Market Mayer says Yahoo has more than 200 million unique mobile users a month, but is struggling to monetize it’s offerings, although as Mayer points out, neither has any of its’ competitors. In response to the fast growing mobile advertising market, Yahoo has been actively pursuing partnerships with carriers and original equipment manufacturers in the mobile industry, as well as tailoring their existing marketing services to mobile user. Mayer is trying to improve or enhance existing products in the mobile market, acquiring apps, redesigning and recreating their web offerings for mobile. Recently Apple launched a new weather app, which looks identical to that of Yahoo’s and according to Jay Yarow from Business Insider,â€Å"If Mayer really wants to succeed in mobile shes going to have to create new categories not just iterate on the existing categories. †Financial performance and performance forecast As reported in Yahoo’s 2nd quarter 2013 financial reports, year on year their revenue remained flat at $4. 98 billion, although the company grew net income 276. 18% from 1. 05 billion to 3. 95 billion. Yahoo’s 2nd quarter 2013 revenue of 1. 07bn was below the prior year’s 2nd quarter results. Yahoo Financial Highlights Yahoo’s display advertising revenue dropped 12% and search advertising revenues fell by 9%. Mayer attributes this to the fact that as the company is growing traffic, the opportunity to run more ads presents itself however this hasn’t translated to revenue growth yet. Mayer is confident that this will follow through in Quarter 4. According to the financial analysts reporting to markets. ft. com, Yahoo’s revenue will increase in Q4 (see graph 3). Mayer will concentrate now on improving Yahoo’s top-line revenue which is projected will rise by the end of 2013. The projection is that she will roll out the mobile advertising platform which will attract advertisers who are eager to utilise the power of mobile. Her new products and acquisitions are growing in popularity and will drive traffic to Yahoo properties. This combined with the seasonal boost for the final quarter of 2013 will bring their final revenue for 2013 to a projected 5. 1 billion. Graph 3: YAHOO FINANCIAL REVENUE FORECAST 2013 markets. ft. com Market Capitalisation According to Selena Larson from ReadWrite. com Yahoo’s market capitalisation has grown by $14 billion since Mayer’s appointment as CEO in 2012. Mayer attributes this to the increased value of Yahoo’s investments in Yahoo Japan and China. Yahoo’s growth in earnings per share items increased 301. 54% and according to market. ft. com the company’s five year annualised earnings per share growth ranks above the industry average relative to its peers. Mayer’s aggressive acquisition strategies have impressed the market along with the company’s focus on mobile growth, as the consensus among financial forecasters across a variety of agencies is that Yahoo will outperform the market in the final quarter of 2013. The forecast is that their share price will rise to a high of $36. 00 in the next 12 months. Graph 4: YAHOO FINANCIAL SHARE PRICE FORECAST 2013 markets. ft. com Web Traffic According to comScore almost 197 million individuals visited a Yahoo! website in July 2013 versus 192 million for Google. This figure does not include traffic of recently acquired blogging site Tumblr, which itself had 38 million visitors that month, nor mobile phone usage. The number of unique visitors to yahoo. Yahoo’s strategy to drive traffic to its’ properties appears to be working, users are rediscovering Yahoo and its’ affiliate sites. Yahoo believes there is a future value for users and customers in personalisation, having recently launched a new homepage called â€Å"My Yahoo†, where users can personalise their homepage newsfeed. Yahoo’s new CEO, Marissa Mayer personally took to Twitter with a promise to retweet anyone who would make the new product their homepage. Yahoo offers a range of premium digital media through their web portal, comprising of 63 different products and services. Conclusion Yahoo is operating in a highly competitive market, where the cost of revenue appears to be rising faster than the growth in revenue, which poses a challenge for the Internet giant. However, in the 12 months since Marissa Mayer took over as CEO, Yahoo stock has risen 75%, she has reorganised the workforce and attracted new talent including some of her old colleagues from Google. Under her direction, the company launched a new products that are engaging consumers, acquired new ventures that will enable the company to and has made Yahoo an attractive place to work. Her strategy to date appears to be working, this is still very early stages of the Yahoo turnaround and Mayer needs to concentrate on developing new products that are unique, personalised and engaging and reach consumers via mobile in order to drive web traffic, increase Yahoo’s top-line revenue and increase the share price. References Ankeny, J. Yahoo tops 340m monthly mobile users, suffers Q2 revenue decline†Fiercemobilecontent. com Chaey, C. (2013) â€Å"Marissa Mayer: Yahoo will crack out a dozen products that fix â€Å"digital daily habits†. FastCompany. com Evans, D. Schmalensee, R. (2005), â€Å"The Industrial Organisation of Markets with Two-Sided Platforms,†NBER Working Papers, National Bureau of Economic Research, Inc. Juliet Garside (2013). Google overtaken by Yahoo! in US website visitors for first time in two years. The Guardian. Larson, S. â€Å"With 800 Million Monthly Users, Yahoo CEO Touts Turnaround in Growth.
Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Families of Children with Downs Syndrome free essay sample
A study into the effects of poverty on parents with children with Downs Syndrome and other stress factors placed on these families. A paper which identifies the stress placed on families of children with Downs Syndrome. It identifies the stressors specifically identified with having a Downs Syndrome child in contrast to the normal stresses associated with parenting a normal child. The study determines whether the parents of Downs Syndrome children experience greater levels, more frequent or more chronic stress symptoms than parents of normal children. The study examines the effects of poverty on both the parents of normal and Downs Syndrome Children. The study examines the effects that these stresses are likely to have on the family and outcomes of the handicapped child. It focuses on the stresses associated with families of low socio-economic status who have Downs Syndrome children. The author offers suggestions as to the types of programs, which may be helpful to improving the outcomes for both the children and their families. We will write a custom essay sample on Families of Children with Downs Syndrome or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page It offers suggestions as to how to help these families gain better access to education and services tailored to their specific needs. Many factors have been shown to affect the ability of the family to adapt to changes and stress, such as the birth of a handicapped child. Research by Flaherty (2000) investigated adjustment in mothers and fathers rearing children with Downs syndrome. He compared families who had a Downs syndrome child by birth with families who had knowingly adopted a child with Downs syndrome. He surmised that the families who adopted children with Downs Syndrome were more likely to be well-adjusted. Actual results, however, demonstrated that birth mothers and fathers were functioning quite similarly to adoptive mothers and fathers on the outcome variables. Overall, birth as well as adoptive families appeared to be adjusting well to the challenges of rearing a child with Down syndrome. (Flaherty, 2000). This study would lead us to believe that stresses are the same whether the situation was a surprise or expected.
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